All humans on Earth are either starseeds or Earth-native souls.

A starseed is a soul who chooses to have a temporary experience on another world as another species. This is a process managed on Earth by Galactic Federation as a means for souls to have new experiences outside their natural development. On Earth, starseeds are often connected to member races of Galactic Federation. 

Earth-native souls have only experienced life on Earth. These are souls who have reincarnated naturally and have evolved physically through many different physical forms on the Earth. Reincarnation is a natural process on planets that haven’t received the gift of ascension from Galactic Federation or aren’t themselves ‘of Elohim’.

We are all eternal souls having temporary human bodies, and all souls are old souls. As humans, the practical differences between starseeds and Earth-native souls include variations in soul plans, quantity of DNA strands, and the ability to receive DNA uploads and downloads.

Starseeds are not superior to humans. Both starseeds and Earth-native souls are fallible humans who make mistakes. All humans are souls with amnesia of other lifetimes. We have all played the hero and the villain at some point. 

Numbers of Starseeds

In 2018, Pleiadians told us there are approximately 200 million starseeds currently incarnated on Earth.  

Pleiadians = 75 million
Arcturians = 50 million
Sirians = 35 million
Andromedans = 30 million
Orions = 7 million
Tillopeah = 5 million
Peekah = 5 million
Archangel = 3,850

= 207,003,850 

At a Glance

Galactic Federation members assisting Earth = 30 million

Pleiadian members of Galactic Federation = 6 million

Archangels assisting in non-physical = 802,058

A School for Souls

Galactic Federation discovered Earth when pre-human species were barely surviving. They upgraded these species to a modern human form and dispersed a variety of human races across the planet.

They have remained here to assist ever since. First as the sky gods and angels who arrived openly in crafts to assist as teachers. Eventually they began incarnating as humans to experience everything humans experience.

With continued oversight by Galactic Federation and safeguards in place, Earth became a dedicated school where souls from many worlds came to experience challenges in duality that lead to soul growth.

Every human lifetime is recorded by the akashic and by going inward to connect with our soul in meditation we can access wisdom gleaned from these experiences. This process of awakening spiritually by overcoming obstacles promotes soul growth for all beings.


There is no soul trap. Reincarnation is a process maintained by God-Source throughout the universe. It happens naturally for all beings who aren’t Elohim or haven’t been upgraded by Elohim.

The natural process of soul incarnation is utilized by higher beings such as Galactic Federation to steer souls into genetic incarnations at the moment of conception.

Native souls always reincarnate on their own planet. If a native race or species goes extinct, God-Source directs the soul to another location in the universe.

The Haven of Light

Earth-native souls receive guidance and healing between lifetimes by Galactic Federation in a created space called the Haven of Light. As we approach the Shift, more Earth souls are remaining in the Haven of Light, waiting to be born as 5D humans instead of immediately reincarnating.

Akatu – Earth Native Souls “The Galactic Federation Were Messengers Of Light And Their Intention Was To Raise The Frequency Of Those Living On Earth To Sustain Themselves In A Far Greater Capacity. When Death Came By Body, The Galactic Federation Created A Beautiful Haven In Nonphysical To Welcome Each Soul In Love. Understanding Their Creation And Those That Loved Them, They Learned Of The Source That Created All Life.”

Spirit Guides

Both starseeds and Earth-native souls have Guides. Guides are soul family to starseeds and were friends and family to Earth-native souls in previous lifetimes. We all have one lead Guide who never leaves us. Additional Guides can come and go throughout our lifetimes. 

Neioh (The Experience Of A Spirit Guide) – “Your Guide Is Chosen By You As A Soul In Origin. Most Of The Time, Your Guide Will Be A Close Friend Or Family Member. You Meet And Discuss The Variables That Could Unfold. You Create A Story Together That Will Allow Optimum Growth With Wisdom And Expanded Consciousness.”

Uploads and Downloads

Starseeds may arrive with specific talents or skills, intuition to work in a certain area, or ambition to achieve a particular goal. These can be given from birth (Uploads) or received at certain points in our human lifetime (Downloads).


Uploads are what you came here with. These are aspects you felt would be necessary in your personal choices. Uploads are accessed in many ways and can be triggered by heart-felt activities like art, dance, making love, loving animals and nature, and so on.

You can access your uploads in meditation. This will be followed by a new sense of renewal, with changes in eating habits, exercise, less judgement of others and a sense of who you are.


Downloads are given by Guides and the Soul Group and are encoded to be received as we need them. Downloads increase the strength and number of DNA strands. They also go to your chakras, energy body and cells of your physical body including the brain.

You may not be aware of a download, but you might feel a vibration or tingling in your head or body. Downloads can be encoded to be revealed for a future purpose, like sending information to you at a specific moment.

Other downloads are to further awaken you and spark interests in health and well-being, disclosure, and guide you to your higher self.

Neioh (Receiving Downloads) – “A Download Is An External Activation From The Galactic Federation, Friends In The Higher Realms Or Other Higher Beings. Frequencies Are Sent To Open Chakras, Change Hearts, Increase Light, Give Information Or A Number Of Other Helpful Gifts. The Individual Will Note A Change In Creativity, Interests And Sleep Patterns. 

Some Downloads Are From Crafts In The Area. Great Numbers Of Starseeds May Receive Downloads Simultaneously. The Frequencies Empower The Person And A Fresh Direction Is Noted. New Ideas And Information Finally Make Sense.”

Races Currently Incarnated

There have been 180 non-native galactic races who have incarnated as human since the beginning of Earth. There are 9 here now in significant numbers, with additional groups represented by a small few or even just one individual.

Blue Avian

Races Previously Incarnated


Pleiadian Starseeds

The 75 million Pleiadian starseeds currently incarnated originate from the stars that are the most connected to Galactic Federation: Taygeta, Maia, Merope, Alcyone, Atlas, Sterope, Electra, Celaeno.

Pleiadians live on the actual stars, which are planets in higher densities. Our Taygeta family lives on the star Taygeta (AMEKA).

As of this writing there are 2,830 incarnated souls incarnated here from Taygeta, making it the least represented star, with Merope being the largest Pleiadian world representing the most incarnated Pleiadian souls.

Human Death

After each human death, we have a life review and then we wake up in our light chambers back home. Native-souls also have life reviews but instead of waking up in a light chamber, they go to the Haven of Light. There’s a period of time following the death where we sometimes return to be near grieving loves ones for support, which could last days or weeks.

Aya (Death) – “There Is An Immediate Knowing Of The Pure Soul Of All Lives You Have Lived. There Is No Time As You Know It To Be, So It Is Not Possible To Comprehend That There Is No Past Or Future. Only The Moment Of Now.”

Life Reviews

Neioh (Life Reviews) “Following Human Death And Soul Exit, There Are Frequencies Where Light, Sound And Any Outside Interference Is Halted. These Are Somewhat Like Havens Of Light We Have Revealed. In This Instance, The Locations Change And Accommodate The Soul Or Souls Leaving The Body Form On Earth. Just As Light Chambers Are Sacred Places Where Pleiadians Leave Their Perfect Bodies In Stasis, These Frequencies Adapt To Create Magnificent Meeting Places Of Great Beauty.”  

Laka (Assistance With Life Reviews) “Regardless Of The Outcome Of Each Waking Dream, There Are Gifts That Remain Within The Akashic Of Each Soul. There Are Some Regrets In Brief Moments With Lives Lived With Addictions And Harming Others. This Is Where Other Souls Serve In Showing The Lessons Gleaned And The Ability To Return To The Earth School With Even Greater Light To Offer. Many Souls Return And Become Wonderful People That Serve Others With Deep Compassion And Love.”

Light Chambers

Neioh (Light Chambers) “Each Family In The Higher Realms Has Been Provided Crystal Chambers Of Light. These Beautiful Structures Are Positioned On The Land Where Homes Are Created. This Allows For Seamless Incarnations Into Ongoing Waking Dreams. Each Family Can Alter The Outer Shape And Color Of Their Chamber And Place Gardens, Trees Or Fountains For Decor In The Area.

When A Decision Is Made For A Precise Location For The Soul To Create A Waking Dream, They Enter The Light Chambers Within The Crystal Structure. With Each Movement Deeper Into The Entrance, A Frequency Of Calm And Relaxation Envelopes The Being. The Soul Will Enter A Deep Meditative State And Begin Communing With Spirit. Telepathy Is Ongoing As The Soul Receives Messages Of Love And Support From Their Family.”

Animal Starseeds and Guides

Animals can be starseeds. Our pets in origin can incarnate as wild animals or our pets on Earth. Our pets in origin can also serve as Guides for brief periods of time.

Akatu (Pet Incarnations) – “Many Of You Are Loved By Pets In This Waking Dream That Are Also Your Beloved Pets In Your Origin! Decisions Were Made Before You Arrived To Allow Your Most Beloved Pets To Follow You! Some Of You Enjoyed These Pets Earlier In Your Dream And Said Goodbye Before The Moment Of Now. Many Of These Souls Returned To Your Home Of Origin And Others Have Remained In A Vibrational Frequency Unseen To You!

Animals In The Higher Realms May Choose To Incarnate As A Different Animal. A Large Lion May Telepathically Agree With The Owner-Parent To Incarnate As A Tiny Dog. A Flying Horse With Wings May Be Born As A Tiger That Is Loved And Cared For In The Consciousness Of Ancient Dreams.”

Akatu (Animals Of Light) – “Animals In The Higher Realms Can Become Guides If This Is Chosen. This Is Not Done Frequently But It Is Enjoyed By The Pet And Their Loved One. Listen Carefully In The Stillness Of Being. Your Guide Is Always Speaking. Some Of You Hear Loving Words From Beloved Pets.”

Starseeds, Earth-Native Souls, and The Shift

The Shift will be experienced by all humans together, but because starseeds are already incarnated from races from higher densities and dimensions, ascension is primarily for the benefit of Earth-native souls.

Reincarnation on Earth will end completely at the Shift and native soul humans will no longer experience sickness or physical death again.

There are more starseeds incarnated now than ever before because souls who have visited Earth throughout the centuries, as well as new visitors, are coming in to experience the Shift from the human perspective.

Following the Shift, starseeds will live in Sheen for as long as they like. Many will continue to assist Earth as ambassadors or teachers. Some will explore space with Galactic Federation as new junior members.

All humans will become reacquainted with all the souls who were family in past lives. When the time comes for a starseed to return home, arrangements will be made with friends and family, and the human body will simply disappear.

Earth-native souls will have the opportunity to visit and live on stars with friends and family they’ve come to love over many lifetimes on Earth.

Akatu – Earth-Native Souls And Sheen – “As The Earth Shifts In Consciousness And Light Becomes The Absolute For All Beings, Native Souls Will Also Be Able To Choose Their Location Of Being. The Connection Of Many Families On Earth That Have Been Native To Earth And Joined To Starseeds, Will Allow Earth Native Souls To Remain In Sheen Or Return With Souls They Have Loved For Waking Dreams, To The Stars Of Shared Families.”

The 144,000

The 144,000 from scriptures refers to the number of starseeds who will be activated with a special frequency to assist with the process of global ascension.

At least 144,000 individuals are needed to hold the light for the planet until The Shift. Certain starseeds are encoded for specific missions. The vibrational frequency is carried within to feed the planet and others through a network of light. After the Shift, the 144,000 will gather from wherever they are to come together for the honor and celebration.

Neioh (Lightworkers and Starseeds) – “The Number Of Souls That Will Activate In Light As The Earth Shifts In Frequency Is 144,000. These Souls Are Encoded Within And Will Emit A Powerful Frequency That Will Draw Many Souls To A Powerful Light! There Is No Preparation Required And Nothing To Learn Or Do To Fulfill This Mission.”

Mixed Soul Origins and Earth Families

Laka (Different Galaxies And Becoming Soul Families) – “Many Have The Misconception That Each Incarnation To Earth Will Be In A Family That Is Also From Their Star!

Many Times This Is Very True And Many Waking Dreams Have Families On Earth That Are Families On Their Star Of Origin. In Many Other Dreams, You Will Find Yourself With A Son, Daughter Or Spouse From Another Galaxy Or Constellation!”

Groups Incarnating Together (The Hopi)

Pleiadian Collective (The Hopi Tribe) – “This Loving Group Of Souls Desired To Understand And Follow The Experience Of Being A Tribe, Understanding Spirit And Learning As The Identity In Ancient Earth Teaching And The Progression To This Current Waking Dream. The Souls That Chose This Adventure In Form Are From Merope And Electra.

Feeling That The Experience Would Also Enhance Their Sharing And Closeness In The Pleiades, It Became A Tradition That Starseeds Enjoyed. Whether Difficult Lives Or Creative And Enjoyable Lives, Each Starseed Returned To Their Home When Leaving The Body Form.”