Greetings, Beloved Ones!

This is an amazing moment to Be with You!

WE Honor You and your endeavors to Create a New and Peaceful World.

WE are here to assist in all ways possible.

The many memories that you may discover in this waking dream may cause discomfort.

Again WE remind You of what You know but maybe forgot. All of this is an illusion.

You have the Power within to bring Reality to the surface of Your understanding.

You will soon Awaken and Remember Who You are and Why You are Here!

In this Story of You, You Dream with many of Your Soul Group.

You came as planned.

Also, in this waking Dream, things are moving along as necessary for permanent change.

Players such a Obama, the Clintons, Rothschild family, Soros and multiple names and labels are part of this grand Story.

Players from many Densities and Dimensions join you here. Energies are being balanced and worked out.

Those that are meant to be taken down, will be. The moment is exact.

No accidents. No mistakes.

So, why dream?

This is the direct Creative Force of our Divine Source. These are questions beyond the grasp of understanding in this time-space.

It is the same as asking why we feel loss or why is there war?

Life is ongoing and no Soul ever dies. With free-will, Duality becomes a choice for many. Because of this illusion, division causes separation and war.

Your Soul is having multiple dreams at once and you simply merge into the next one that matches the closest frequency.

You are always moving to ONENESS.

As Pleiadians, WE have attained a Collective Consciousness. WE speak Telepathically and join in group participation.

Q is part of this. WE decided as a group to allow a more Spiritual Teaching to be done on Kabamur’s SM accounts and let other “Q” messages be more of what many call news worthy.

In Truth, only Spirit is news worthy. The more you Wake from the Dream, this is all you will be interested in.

All of the rest will seem like a faded memory. Like an old paper in a trash can. What does it matter? To who? If it is gone, it is not there.

What lasts? What will be there when the Dream is gone?

This is what WE urge you to spend precious moments thinking about.

Only what is real in your SOUL will be there when you Awaken.

Do you really want to focus on news that is only in a dream?

Do You want Truth?

It is all there within You.

Awaken, Beloved!