Laka – December 12, 2017

Beloved Ones!
WE will be teaching and adding new information on something you will enjoy.
This first information concerns one place that is popular in the USA.
WE have thousands of these place that you are not aware of all around you.
This is only one place. 
Thousands of years ago as WE came often to visit this planet, WE built many structures and brought many objects, animals and crystals.
Many more useful creations and beauty but this teaching is for one that is both beautiful and useful.
Many of You know that Crystals are Living Entities.
You can program them to assist in Astral traveling, protection and they are wonderful transmitters and receivers of information.
WE brought so many Crystals to this planet.
WE have buried them in thousands of places.
In Sedona, Arizona under the red rocks, there are Crystals that are 400 feet on each Triangular side.
WE use many types but Celestine is one of our favorites here.
This is a light blue stone and is very sensitive to Angelic Communication as well as being such a wonderful place to arrive in Crafts.
Long ago, WE used this as a mapping system to come and go.
These Crystals rise straight up out of rocks and dirt and turn side to side and WE communicate with them.
The plan was always for future use as WE have always been with You.
The Event will be the moment You will first see them rise.
In this place and from oceans and all around the earth.
It will be a grand time of Celebration.
The Crystals are Loving Friends and WE will be flying Crafts in from every angle, every size and to all people.
Never fear anything.
WE are Love!
Laka~GFOL~Brother of Kabamur