Aya – January 3, 2018

Our Beloved!
I speak for my Family of Light!
Find Your Peace Within! Nothing can take this from You.
You alone have the Power!
You long for change on the planet. You speak of war and the endless cycles of news.
I tell You Now that this will happen only as you become Peaceful inside Your own Heart.
Then You will perceive Peace in a Mighty Way.
For thousands of years this simple measure has been taught and shared and yet those coming into the continuing stories continue to look to another for Power and Wisdom.
You brought it with You!
WE are here to remind You of the greatness and purity of Self that You Truly are in all aspects.
You, Beloveds, are Sacred and Divine.
Let us remind You to Shine Light from Within and watch the world change.
In these times of opening Your Heart Chakra, You simultaneously are Expanding Your Consciousness.
When this happens, You are Awakening and Remembering Who You Really Are!
WE came for this reason.
You are Safe.
All is Well.
WE Love You So!