Aya – Life on Taygeta – December 1, 2017

Our Beloved Ones!

WE have arrived on this planet again for the purpose of assisting you in this Grand Awakening of Humanity.

You are hearing endless stories, conflict and rumors. I speak words of Healing Light and Unending Love over You now.

You are hearing of the many Q’s that people continue to create. As You relax into Consciousness, You will know Truth when it resonates.

Be At Peace. I wish to teach you now about our life and what WE Love each moment.

WE enjoy many kinds of fruits and vegetables. Many vibrant colors and flavors. The difference would be in what you have become accustomed to in viewing the size. Our fruits and vegetables are very large. You might compare an orange on earth to an orange on Taygeta, being the size of a cantaloupe.

WE enjoy music and WE brought this music to earth many thousands of years ago. These instruments are intricately designed and are many sizes. Our Family and Friends often are playing, singing and dancing. We feel Joy to the fullest and Celebrate Life each moment.

WE have no illness, no war, WE do not die. WE choose our look as we grow and age. WE do not have body issues or vanity so choice of a body look is just personal preference.

WE create our own beautiful tapestries and jewelry. WE enjoy putting crystals through our work as these are living Entities that are always communicating with Life.

Our weather is perfect and never hot or cold. For this reason, WE have buildings made of marble and crystals with large columns and places to lounge, but no roof coverings. WE enjoy the sky and view.

WE have no fear but WE understand that others do. WE live in ONENESS and understand that Duality exists until you Awaken. WE hope to assist You with this. It is so very beautiful.

WE have animals of all kinds. WE brought many to earth. WE have Tigers and Lions that are 25 feet long and as sweet and playful as a kitten.

I personally have a White Tiger named UKA. He travels with me often and is very protective. 

I have many Powers that have developed over thousands of years. Because my Family is known through the Galaxies, I have no problems when I travel. I learned long ago exactly what I can do and others know this as well.

IKAI is my forever mate and the Elder of Taygeta. He is with the Galactic Federation as taught to You previously.
I am Honored on Taygeta as Goddess.

My look is long white hair down to my hips. I wear beautiful garments and head designs when we Celebrate. Other times we are nude. It is completely optional as WE have no body shame or corruption.

WE enjoy large beautiful flowers that would be about the size of a dinner plate on earth. These cover the green velvet grass where WE enjoy sitting and sharing.

Taygeta is a Sacred Place. It is our Home.

WE send you Love and remind you that your Life will once again return to such beauty and Peace.