As the first Elohim star race in our Galaxy, Pleiadians are the most technologically advanced as well. They lead the Galactic Federation and manage the Soul Incarnation process on Earth. They have the magical abilities of Archangels and Fae but also live in technology-based civilizations as other star races do. They manifest crafts of light from thought and use mechanical crafts for travel. Any kind of Pleiadian technology can be cloaked, so if humans can see it, Pleiadians are allowing it.

Pleiadian Cameras & Sensors

Denver, Colorado October 12, 2021

Neioh – This is a Pleiadian Operation. It is a pod that holds direct laser focus for very close up imaging and chasing objects to obtain images. It is not occupied and will return on command to a Craft which is part of a large Fleet. The Mothership will call all Crafts in to depart.

Belleview, Florida – September 26, 2021

Neioh – This is a smaller structure sent from a Pleiadian Craft. Purpose is like many others we have noted. It is checking Frequencies, monitoring pressures and taking photos. It will return to the Craft and the Fleet will return to the Mothership on signal.

Hillsboro, Tennessee – July 26, 2020

Video by MrMBB333

Neioh – This is a camera that is cruising by program. It is from a single Craft that is miles above. This is done frequently and we have multiple types of cameras. Some are not seen at all. The Craft that sent the camera for exploration has 6 occupants. The Craft is part of a Fleet of 40 with a Pleiadian Mothership 50 miles up. All occupants of Crafts will receive a signal when the Mothership is ready for them to re-enter and complete the mission.

Light Tracers

Oahu, Hawaii – December 29, 2020  READ MORE

Neioh – This is a Pleiadian Light Tracer, which is not a Craft but is Technology which releases the Active Programmed Part that is always In Motherships, and it is directed completely from the Mothership. The Purpose is Heat Detection over water or mountains, and will enter the precise area to detect Crystal Placement and issue Reports. In this case The Mothership is beneath the water. There is a small Fleet above in the air which are also collecting Data of changing Frequencies in the Atmosphere.

Twentynine Palms Marine Base in San Bernardino County, California – 2018

Houma, Louisiana – February 10, 2022

Neioh – This is a Camera from a Craft above that sent it down. This is from a Fleet of 40 with a Mothership 5 miles up. The occupants of the Pleiadian Craft had the Intention of being seen. They are exploring and this was simply in fun.

Crafts “Dropping Fire”

Yonkers, New York – January, 2021

Neioh – What you are seeing is Pleiadian Technology which is unlimited in scope. When you observe Light Tracers or any Craft opening for drops that are visible to the Human eyes, it is not only with Intention, but each movement and expulsion of Energy is fine tuned for a specific reason. Often in these moments, We are checking Vibrational Frequency, Distance to the nearest Crystal Transmitter and the temperature in the area, as this can have an affect on the Crystals. The Information is gathered and all that is perceived to leave, will return to the same Craft and continue to the Mothership.

Mesa, Arizona – December 8, 2019
Oakley, California – December 22, 2020

Neioh – Notice the Crafts are small and they are expelling others even smaller. These are Pleiadian Crafts that have left the Mothership. The Technology is very high in our Crafts and We change shapes and sizes at will. The smaller Crafts leaving are able to flatten and be completely stacked or stored out of site in the Small Craft it is in. In these moments, there is a huge amount of data that is being collected and cameras are being dispersed with other equipment that will measure Vibrational Frequency in the area, return to the Craft it came from and then all Crafts will return to the Mothership which is stationed 4 miles above in this case.

Porterville, California – August 6, 2021

Neioh – When you observe Light Tracers or any Craft opening for drops that are visible to the Human eyes, it is not only with Intention, but each movement and expulsion of Energy is fine tuned for a specific reason.

São Paulo, Brazil – 2001

Neioh – Often in these moments, We are checking Vibrational Frequency, Distance to the nearest Crystal Transmitter and the temperature in the area, as this can have an affect on the Crystals.

Pillars of Fire

Duhok, Iraq – January 3, 2020

Neioh – Most Military Have Been Briefed At This Point As To The Ongoing Presence Of Crafts And Meetings With White Hats. It Has Become Undeniable To Most Thinking People That We Have Always Had The Presence Of Many Galactic Races Here On The Planet And Above.  As We Move Forward The Talk Of Crafts Will Be Mainstream As People Realize There Has Never Been An Attack And There Is Nothing To Fear!