Beloved Friends Of Light!

We Will Continue To Offer Information Regarding Races And Stars Unknown In Your Current Awareness. Indeed, In Origin You Are Familiar With Many Beings That Have Upgraded To Circulate Light With Crystal Hearts. In This Communication, We Will Review A Race Of Beauty And Peace. Their Beginning Was Duality With Struggles As Earth Knows. These Souls Will Greet You In Sheen.

YEK Is The Star Which Is Home To The YUO. Created With Free Will As Expressions Of Source Spirit, These Souls Created Lives In All Directions Of Chaos. Having No Compass As They Desired Power And Prestige Among Others, They Faltered And Fell For Millennia. YEK Finds Its Place Just Outside The Milky Way.

The YUO Stand Five Feet Tall With Pale Pink Skin. Their Eyes Are Slanted And Light Blue In Color. Their Hair is Silver And Their Noses Are Small And Human Like. Their Lips Are Small And Thin. Their Voices Would Sound Like High Pitched Frequencies To Those On Earth.

The Souls Of YEK Lived Approximately Eighty Years Before Their Upgrades. Disease And Wars Were Their Downfall. They Advanced In Technology Which Only Harmed Them Without Light. Their Egos Allowed For Their Own Demise.

Their Homes Were Quite Lovely With High Rises And Decor. But They Were Never Satisfied And Having More Brought Only Discontent. Animals Were Feared And There Were Few Pets. Children Were Taught To Gain Power Over Others. Nothing Could Be Worse For Any Being.

It Was During These Moments Of Their Greatest Struggles That Elder Ashtar From Sirius Nopplia Was Drawn To Their Plight. Monitoring The Activity Of YEK Ongoing Brought Deep Compassion For These Souls. On An Ordinary Day, Life Would Change Forever As A Grand Mothership Landed In The Midst Of A Crowd Of The YUO.

Teaching Was Great And Precise From The Great Commander Of The Galactic Federation. He Explained That Circulating Light Within Their Bodies Would Allow Life Without Death To The Body Form. He Demonstrated The Upgrades With Volunteers That Came Before Him, With Raised Arms, Light Emitted From His Fingertips. Smiles Appeared On The Faces Of All YUO Observing.

The Crowd Grew As More Motherships Entered The Skies. YEK Was Changed With Upgrades To All Life. Animals Gathered And Became Pets To Children. Tigers And Bears Were Calm And Serene.

As Light Prevailed, Many YUO Joined The Light Forces To Travel As Junior Members On Great Missions. Family Crafts Were Introduced And Travel Was Enjoyed Throughout The Vast Cosmos. Classes With Teachings Of Vibrational Frequencies, Thoughts And Creative Abilities Were Introduced.

Many Homes Were Designed In Shapes Of Sacred Geometry. Artistic Endeavors Increased Throughout YEK. A Feeling Of Well Being With Great Peace Covered The Souls Of YEK Who Understood At Last, The Power Of Light!

Be Aware Of Your Own Light Now. For In One Moment, The Portal Covering The Earth Will Explode In Colors, Lights And Sounds To Usher In The Grand Shift Of The Ages.

Laka – YUO From YEK