This article will cover many topics relating to birth, death, reincarnation, parallel lives and ascension, which is sourced from years of telepathic contact with Pleiadian soul family by contactee, Judith Lynn.

It’s hard to break free of human ideas that we should fear death, fear the unknown, and only believe in what we can perceive with our physical senses. But the truth is, we’re eternal souls having brief human experiences and death is only an illusion.

The Shift Will Change Everything

It’s important to understand that the Shift will happen in this current lifetime, which means that most humans alive now will never experience physical death or reincarnation again. The following information will pertain to human death experiences until the present incarnation.

Starseeds and Earth-native Souls

Earth’s ascension is a plan primarily for the benefit of Earth-native souls. Although all humans will experience ascension together, starseeds are from ascended races that don’t experience physical death or reincarnation. Death and reincarnation will end for all humans at the Shift.

When starseeds die as humans they return to their worlds of origin. Until now, Earth-native souls have always reincarnated at death. Reincarnation is a natural process on all planets in the universe that aren’t ‘of Elohim’ or haven’t received the gift of ascension from Elohim of Galactic Federation.

READ MORE: All About Starseeds

Sacred Portals

As souls we enter and exit this human life through portals. Our sacred portal is also the means that we will ascend to the new Earth, Sheen. Our portal is always with us but is undetectable.

PLEIADIAN COLLECTIVE (2023) “When you arrived in perfection, your beautiful portal was glimmering in a pathway of peace. In an explosion of bliss, you entered the embryo and began your journey of light once more! An energy of high frequency in light as a living essence has remained throughout your waking dream as your soul is encoded to match the vibration of your portal. As you shift to Sheen, your portal will manifest in white light as you move seamlessly into the beauty of 5-D Sheen.

The Galactic Federation has utilized portals since the beginning of all incarnations to Earth as well as guiding Earth-native souls to the haven of light between waking dreams. Your portal is ever-present and cannot be destroyed. In meditation, you may experience perception of your portal that is the pure essence of divine energy!”

NEIOH (2018) – “The portal you entered into this aspect will remain unseen to you as it is a living creation. It is not a thought to be feared but a sacred creation of the soul that provides a doorway for the aspect to come and go.

This portal is guarded well by your higher self and cannot be destroyed. This portal is specific to your soul and encoded in your DNA for each journey. It is a living essence that remains with you.

Once a portal is entered or exited, the perception and awareness changes. As one exits from human form, all is remembered in non-physical. The aspect will enter through the portal again to live another story and for a short time may remember who they really are, or they may remember the prior story.”

Immediately After Death

AKATU (2023) “In the moment that a starseed leaves the body, they are assisted by friends and family of origin, angels, light beings, or members of the Galactic Federation. Some souls are met by beloved pets that have remained close since they departed from the body form.

Souls have the choice to return instantly to their origin and resume their life of perfection. Some will attend meetings to review the waking dream they are leaving behind. Many still feel an attachment as they leave, and they are comforted to understand those being left are friends and family from their origin in disguise as human. Although leaving the waking dream has soul planning involved, the end of many dreams is full of loved ones that grieve the person that vanishes to another density.”

AYA (2018) – “It is an experience such as you have in dreaming. As you wake from sleep and feel the beautiful or sometimes upsetting dream, you will realize immediately it was just a dream. It is the same when you leave your body form.

There is an immediate knowing of the pure soul of all lives you have lived. There is no time as you know it to be, so it is not possible to comprehend that there is no past or future, only the moment of now. In saying this, we are teaching you of parallel lives you live now.”

7 Exit Points

As Soul’s we choose our exact moment of physical death. There are 7 potential Exit Points available in each human lifetime. Variables are continually changing, and decisions are made in real time with our Guides.

LAKA (2021) – “In each waking dream, the soul has seven exit points of choice to leave. Remembering that the soul is infinite and ageless, understand that an infant has a plan for arriving. The soul of the infant knows the purpose and intention. If the intention is to leave shortly after arrival, the purpose will be specific and planned. It could be to change the lives of the parents, the outlook of the spiritual for a group that knows of the death. An opening for growth and discussion of the greater purpose of life. The reasons are as unlimited as the soul chooses.

In going further with understanding the seven exit points, you might remember hearing many times of those leaving the body and returning. Maybe there was an illness, and the person begins to see angels or other beings. They are exiting the human life, and yet the soul will make a decision through the person to remain. There are many vehicle accidents, and an exit occurs, and the scenario will play out. The person perceives they are above the accident and surrounded by beings. They choose through the soul coming through to stay or leave. The soul, not the human being, is in control.”

Near Death Experiences

Pleiadians tell us that NDE’s reflect a person’s beliefs. This is why some people have religious visions of Heaven or Hell and some don’t. These experiences can lead to profound personal changes by showing us exactly what we need to see.

AKATU (2022) “When there is an accident or trauma to the body and there is a fragile balance between whether the soul remains or leaves, know fully that the soul is in complete control unless the body has become totally burned, mutilated, or the brain is so damaged that life cannot continue.

The soul feels no pain that the body is experiencing. The soul is observing and knows fully if they will remain. If the soul chooses to remain, there is a reason greater than family and friends can understand. There are further aspects of life that the soul desires to repeat and master as perceptions from the view that are opposite of another life story. The soul understands the body is not permanent. This could be a chosen exit point, but returning to the identity in form is by choice.

The interim of experiencing a perception is allowed by the soul that is specific to the identity. Many will experience seeing their body without pain, floating in clouds, seeing their home of origin, seeing religious beings if they are in doctrine; some see fearful aspects in an attempt to show them true duality and the hard choice of chaos. The list is endless, but the human being is permanently changed for the better if the choice is to remain in the body. Even with a long recovery, there are many positive life lessons.”

Traumatic Deaths

Pleiadians tell us that the soul can actually leave the body before the moment of physical death. The body may seem to be alive, but no pain is experienced by the individual soul.

AKATU (2023 – “The transition of the soul of the person that is suffering or that an accident or injury of impact is affecting will produce quite a different experience than those observing. Indeed, the experience of suffering to the soul is not possible in the manner understood on Earth. Personalities and egos suffer, but the soul rises in power.

With a sudden impact or before the final breath in disease, the soul is peaceful, aware, and observing. The soul feels no physical pain or trauma. Before the final breath, the soul is watching from a short distance as they observe a body that is not their own. The realization that they were visiting again becomes clear as beings of light are there to assist. In one moment, there is clarity and perfect peace.”

Remaining in Non-physical after Death

AYA (2018) “We also will address the question many have regarding the immediate soul experience and free will choice after the body form dies.

Some soul aspects will choose to remain in non-physical for a moment of now and wait for their love in the story they left, to join them. They are not the identity that the love knew, but soul groups often incarnate together, and this is an individual free will choice.

Should this be decided, it will also be that the aspects incarnate together to the closest vibrational frequency to both. With the soul, this is known in ways you are not able to grasp in this moment. We wish to give you comfort and great love!”

Life Reviews

NEIOH (2024) – “Following human death and soul exit, there are frequencies where light, sound, and any outside interference is halted. These are somewhat like havens of light we have revealed. In this instance, the locations change and accommodate the soul or souls leaving the body form on Earth. Just as light chambers are sacred places where Pleiadians leave their perfect bodies in stasis, these frequencies adapt to create magnificent meeting places of great beauty.

Everyone present is seated as the ambiance is calm and inviting. A guide, friend, or family member is present, and words of high vibrations are spoken. There is light touching with hands as frequencies are emitted to further strengthen the soul. All of this happens in moments as it does not take long at all. The soul has not completed the journey until they enter the light chambers on their star of home.”

LAKA (2025) “Regardless of the outcome of each waking dream, there are gifts that remain within the Akashic of each soul. There are some regrets in brief moments with lives lived with addictions and harming others. This is where other souls serve in showing the lessons gleaned and the ability to return to the Earth school with even greater light to offer. Many souls return and become wonderful people that serve others with deep compassion and love.”

Light Chambers

NEIOH (2024) “Each family in the higher realms has been provided crystal chambers of light. These beautiful structures are positioned on the land where homes are created. This allows for seamless incarnations into ongoing waking dreams. Each family can alter the outer shape and color of their chamber and place gardens, trees, or fountains for decor in the area.

When a decision is made for a precise location for the soul to create a waking dream, they enter the light chambers within the crystal structure. With each movement deeper into the entrance, a frequency of calm and relaxation envelopes the being. The soul will enter a deep meditative state and begin communing with spirit. Telepathy is ongoing as the soul receives messages of love and support from their family.

Tones and colors begin to swirl in beauty within the light chamber that is chosen to transmute consciousness within the soul to the area chosen on Earth or other planets.

The light that covers each soul is a blessing that is received. Souls in the Pleiades speak, ‘Shada Va Waola’ (Blessings of Light).

With one breath and the final beat of their crystal heart, they travel in an instant to the location of the embryo they will enter. Awake, alert, and with perfect peace, the new location is found to be perfect for their new expansion in consciousness.

The body of perfection is left in origin in stasis within the light chamber. No other soul enters the chamber of this soul. Each soul within a family has a precise light chamber. The body of magnificence will remain in light as each life in a waking dream is completed.”

The Haven of Light

While starseeds return home after physical death, Earth-native souls visit a placed created by Galactic Federation called the “Haven of Light’. If this did not exist, reincarnation would happen almost immediately.

NEIOH (2024) – “Each soul that is not a starseed is provided a beautiful place called a Haven of Light. The Galactic Federation has created a place of nourishment and teaching for each soul that leaves the body form. There are frequencies of light that bathe the soul in majestic love. These souls have created families with starseeds on Earth and will gather in love as the Earth shifts to Sheen.”

Soul Aspects In Parallel Lives

In addition to our past life experiences, there are also parallel life experiences. These parallel lifetimes are how we perceive alternate timelines, such as with the so-called “Mandela Effect”.

AYA (2018) “You are a sacred powerful soul having a brief human experience. You are projected into each story by your higher self, the one whole soul that Prime Creator expressed you to be.

Each life is carrying your original code and a vibrational frequency that will change many times during the life story. At the end of that particular story, the aspect of soul will merge with the next closest aspect seamlessly. Only the body dies.

Many of you living in this story now have integrated all aspects of soul, which has made this preparation for the great shift of souls together possible. We call this the Shift to SHEEN, which is the heart aspect of the event.”

READ MORE: Parallel Lives

To Go to the Light or Not

Over the years fear-based theories have developed about humans being caught in a soul trap and forced to reincarnate. Some people warn to avoid going towards the light because this is what forces us back into a never-ending loop.

The truth is there is no trap at all. When we cross over, we remember everything and don’t have options of alternate routes to take. We’re greeted by Guides and Soul Family and there is no more fear or confusion.