Beloved Ones Of Earth!

I Watch You And Listen To Your Cries For Help! You Are Indeed KISHAPOLEE! You Have Always Been The Child Of Mine. The One That Needs Care And Assistance. The One That Requires Teaching Ongoing. And Most Of All, The One That I Love So Deeply. I Will Not Leave You! I Will Stand Before You In Light As You Unite In Peace. But Our Journey Will Just Be Beginning As We Share Stories Of Obstacles And Bliss. I Am Speaking To You In These Moments To Encourage You On What Is Before You!

Never Entertain Fear But Rather Use Wisdom And Power To Become Aware. The Earth Is In Such Turmoil As Wars Are Continuing And More Wars Are Being Planned. Those Parading As Leaders In Many Parts Of The World Are Puppet Clones And Puppet Masters. You Do Not Need To Be Deceived As We Offer Truth Continually. 

Prepare For Anything As Variables Are In Motion Now. Change Is Inevitable In All Circumstances. But You Are Able To Sustain Your Life From This Point With Very Little Provisions. Water And Food Can Be Gathered And Placed In Areas That Do Not Require Power. There Will Be Outages And Temperature Fluctuations That Will Direct Your Choices On Sustenance. You Are Safe And No One Needs To Suffer. We Will Have Boots On The Ground As We Do Now.

War Is A Concept Unknown To The Creative Spirit Of All Life. Souls That Have Existed With Free Will Have Evolved In Power With Competition And Chaos. You Find Yourselves Now At A Precipice For Change. The End Will Be The Beginning As All Known In Your Reality Has The Opportunity To Shift In Frequency And Light!

All Wars Begin Within The Individual Heart And Mind. You Have A Choice. Stop The Endless Wars That Are Being Created By Hatred, Resentment And Jealousy. Life Is Sacred And Peace Is A Choice. There Are Many Aspects Out Of Your Control Now As Dark Forces Continue To Draw Many Into Conflict. Remain Free Within Your Own Being Until The Moment That Light Fills Your Reality With Magnificence!

The Portal Of Entry Is In Place To Cover The Earth. There Is Great Excitement With The Galactic Federation. Animals Will Gather As They Have Increasingly Done. Frequencies Are Heard And Even Birds Are Migrating To New Areas. No One Needs To Relocate As The Shift Will Draw All Souls To Light In An Instant.

As You Remember Who You Are In These Final Moments, A New  Strength Will Enable Great Wisdom From Within. This Is Your Natural State As You Remain Unstoppable, Unshakable And Full Of Light!

The Best Is Yet To Come!

I Love You So!

Elder IKAI~ Chief Commander Of The Galactic Federation