You Are An Immortal Soul

Kab, March 13, 2023 – You are an immortal Soul having a temporary human experience. You are not your body or your race.
Some souls choose to incarnate from other worlds, and other souls have only experienced Earth.
We all have Guides and Soul Plans, with themes to explore in each lifetime. We have all lived as every race. We have all played heroes and villains. We choose to forget, but the soul contains all the experiences.
There are no battles to free us from captivity, because we’re not prisoners. Life is challenging but the belief we are victims makes it seem worse. Our thoughts become our reality.
Many of you have lived thousands of times. The body dies but the soul can never be harmed. At physical death, the soul returns home to origin, or reincarnates. Death is only a transition.
Powerful benevolent beings have been sending teachers, guides and incarnating too. We have never been alone. They want us to now how powerful we are.
There is light and darkness throughout the universe, but 3D Earth is a controlled environment where dark entities are given partial dominion to influence humans. The light has always had control.
This has all been a morality test. These trials have been to prepare humans to become a galactic civilization. This is a school for souls, and graduation is not decades away, but only a few years.
This is the final lifetime on 3D Earth you will ever have. Right now all the soul fragments from all your lifetimes are integrating back into the whole. You have access to all of your experiences at the soul level. That’s why your choices now matter the most.
You can make the remaining days easier by controlling your fear. Be mindful of your thoughts and actions. Be mindful of the media and entertainment you look at. Love and forgive.
The ending is not determined by your beliefs or what knowledge you have, but by the frequency of your thoughts and actions. Good will ascend, and evil will be left behind. Choose wisely.