Why This Lifetime?

Kab (February 26, 2023) – Why is The Shift (ascension, biblical rapture) happening in the moment of THIS lifetime?
One of the biggest criticisms against the idea that we’re living in the last days is ‘this information has been around so long what makes it different now?’
Quite a bit makes it different. Consider how rapidly things have progressed in just the past few years. Humans were fairly primitive for thousands of years and suddenly there’s radio, TV, internet, cell phones, social media and now artificial intelligence.
Consider how quickly everything seems to be speeding up. Access to information is instant. The digital age has overtaken everything in a very short time and completely altered human consciousness.
It had to be this way for everyone to be able to hear about the Shift. Even those that frame it within religion, who become moral out of fear of God or hell, have been helped in an overall positive way.
We have changed timelines several times in this current lifetime, shifting frequencies (the Mandela Effect), to create the parameters necessary for the planet to Shift to 5D.
Things will seem to speed up even faster as we get closer. There will be more nervousness, more fighting, more despair. These are the final spiritual battles humans will endure. We should meditate more and strive for inner peace.
We won’t know the exact moment, but Pleiadians say it will happen for the generations alive now. The cabal has a 2030 plan to control the entire planet, and I believe the Shift will happen before their plans are complete.
There will be a complete separation of realities, and evil will be left behind in this timeline. This Earth will get worse. Anyone who isn’t evil will ascend to a higher frequency timeline (5D parallel Earth) and experience ‘heaven on Earth’. This isn’t death. There will be perfected physical bodies, full disclosure, open contact with soul family, and 5D Earth will become a galactic civilization.
This may sound like complete fantasy but many cultures and teachers throughout history have prophesied this would happen. You are the ones who will see it. Don’t give up.