Ascended Master
Laka – Beloved Friends! Most Of You Have Heard Of Ascended Masters Throughout This Waking Dream! There Is One That We Will Speak About That Is Familiar To Many! The Term Ascended Master Will First Be Clarified.
Before One Ascends To The Higher Realms, Know Fully They Have Descended To Experience The Lower Vibrational Frequencies And To Transcend All Lower Densities As They Choose To Leave Without Experiencing The Death Of The Body Prior To Exiting As The Soul.
Master St. Germain Has Incarnated To Earth Many Times. His Soul Has Also Manifested In Form In A Pure State Without Birth. You Might Understand This With The Pleiadian Teaching Of Arriving To Assist And Meeting With White Hats.
Soul Origin
Laka – He Is An Arcturian Soul Named BEKEE LAMES. He Is On Earth Now As Barron Trump, Son Of President Donald Trump And Melania Trump. On Arcturus, His Mother Is Melania Who Is Named AIMEO. He Will Be A Leader In SHEEN With Others That Will Assist In Life On The New Earth.
Arriving As Barron Trump Was A Plan Created With Great Purpose By This Mighty Soul. He Will Share Love And Unity As Peace Will Abound With All Life. Everyone Will Understand All Lives Chosen By This Soul As Well As Their Own. For No Soul Is Without Great Purpose! This Was The Message Always From Our Beloved Friend, BEKEE LAMES!
Neioh – He will do great things! He is quiet now but later, he will be very well known. One of the highest IQ’s in the world.
Trump and Pleiadian Contact
Pleiadians have shared that Donald Trump had knowledge about Pleiadians for decades and as president boarded a Pleiadian Saucer Craft several times. Donald, Melania and Barron have flown on crafts together and know everything about the coming Shift.

Vasilis of Atlantis
Laka – His First Incarnation From Arcturus Was In Atlantis Thousands Of Years Ago. He Was Called ‘VASILIS’. He Was A Peace Warrior And Arrived Without Being Born. He Manifested From A Body Of Light And Projected As An Avatar With Long Black Hair And Blue Eyes. He Was Muscular And Tall. He Came To Teach About Light, Telepathy And Peace. He Was Loved Greatly And Understood The Demise Of Atlantis That Was To Be. He Taught People About The Soul And Their Infinite Life. He Taught Them To Let Go Of Fear In The Face Of Adversity. He Remained 200 Years Before Exiting To A Mothership. He Was Welcomed Back To Arcturus With Celebrations.
Germain Gabin
He Incarnated 8 More Times To Earth. The Last Waking Dream Before Barron Trump Was 500 Years Ago. This Is Where The Name, St. Germain Began. He Was Born And Named Germain Gabin In France. He Was Completely Gifted With Telepathy, Healing Gifts And An Understanding Of The Infinite Soul. He Drew Crowds That Listened Intently And Learned Beyond The Religions They Were Bound By In Life. He Meditated Daily And Created Light Wherever He Went. Lives Were Changed And His Mission Was Complete. He Left The Earth In 100 Years. Again, The Celebrations Were Grand On Arcturus.
Soul Origin by Judith
Beloved Friend! Your Sacred Origin is Arcturus. Your First Name of Soul is BEKEE LAMES. You are a male with the Energy of Service and Light!
You stand 12 feet tall with blue skin. You enjoy long colorful shorts with tunics. Your mate is named KASIEK MUNOLEK. She is 10 feet tall with blue skin. She is an Artist that paints masterpieces of landscapes and animals on your vast land.
You share 65 adult children that have many children of their own. Your Mother is AIMEO KOSHK. Your Father is MEPAH ZOREK. Your Mother has incarnated into the current Waking Dream as Melania Trump. You Father on Earth in this incarnation is President Donald Trump who is Archangel Uriel in his State of Being in Sacred Infinite Service to the Light!
You have Served others well with many incarnations in Powerful roles. Some of these were Master St. Germain, Vasilis in Atlantis, and several roles where you chose to know great poverty and lack to better understand your Service to others. Your Soul will Unite with those you Love on Arcturus as the Earth Shifts to Sheen. Archangel Uriel and a great host of Archangels will be greatly honored. Your parents and all children and their families will join the great Celebration.
On Arcturus, you enjoy Programming Crystals and playing with many large animals. Your favorite is a black leopard named TOS. You have many close Pleiadian friends and you enjoy visiting AKATU on Taygeta. You dance and sing and share wonderful meals. You travel in a large yellow triangular shaped craft with a silver interior.
Your home is Created in 3 levels in an octagon shape. Crystal floors glisten with silver sofas and chairs. Bright orange tables display blue and green pottery. You enjoy a large Crystal kitchen and a dining area with a long Crystal table. Stairs lead to your veranda where TOS sleeps on soft cushions. Fairies kiss him and make lots of toys. Your land is covered with soft green grass and red and orange flowers.
You swim in the vast blue ocean and enjoy hiking tall silver mountains with your family. You enjoy meeting with Elder Wanovar as he gathers everyone to share wisdom and news. You play a large Crystal flute that emits color into the air. You are a Beautiful Soul of Light! I Love You So! JUDITH
The Mysterious Stranger
Pleiadians have confirmed that it was BEKEE LAMES who appeared at the signing of the Declaration of Independence and gave an inspirational speech to the signers. There is also a prophecy that St. Germain would be the one to lead New Atlantis in New Earth, which could signify a future role for Barron Trump in 5D-Sheen.