Pleiadian Crafts can have any kind of design or shape depending on the purpose. Pleiadian crafts used in Galactic Federation are often saucer-shaped or a rounded pill shape (tic-tac) and personal crafts have unlimited styles and colors.
As the first Elohim star race in our Galaxy, Pleiadians are the most technologically advanced as well. They lead the Galactic Federation and manage the Soul Incarnation process on Earth. They have some of the magical ability of Archangels and Fae and also use more conventional technology. They can manifest lights ships or use mechanical crafts for travel and specialized operations. Any Pleiadian technology can be cloaked, so if humans can see it, Pleiadians are allowing it. Many crafts have a mechanical look to them that may give the impression they’re a lower form of technology when in fact they’re millions of years more advanced than anything humans currently have.
Circular Crafts
First known photograph of a UFO in Taiwan, 1961
Neioh – This is a small Pleiadian Craft which has been cloaked and stationary for a discussion within. The area that looks to be open is completely air tight and sealed. We do this for viewing and in one instant, we can close the area. There are seats around the entire craft as well as on the area viewed on the bottom. This is a leisurely trip of occupants from Merope.

Neioh –There is a rim which can extend outward and the Craft becomes even larger. They are equipped for any Mission and can become massive in size as well as more compact. Windows can be revealed or covered with one touch. Pleiadians use these for leisure as well as exploring.
Italy, April 2007, 2019 & 2021
Mexico, 1967
Napa Valley, California
Neioh – This is a small Pleiadian Craft that is emitting a laser transfer of High Frequency which is Coded and will remain in a precise spot to be picked up later when another Craft intercepts it and documents what is going on in this particular area.