Beloved Friends Of Light!

Everything Is Spirit, Energy And Consciousness. All Else That Exists Comes Forth As An Expression Or Manifestation Of These Aspects. All Thoughts Create Matter From Non Physical. Every Moment That You Allow Worry Or Anxiety Into Your Conscious Awareness Or The Subconscious Truth Of Guidance, A Template Of Vibrational Frequency Will Begin To Change The Energy Field Around You, The Physiology Of Your Body And The Trajectory Of Your Path.

Each Frequency Whether High Or Low Will Draw More Of The Same. In Your World This Has Been Called ‘The Law Of Attraction.’ Before Science Understood The Truth Of This Teaching, Ancient Dreamers Knew It To Be So. It Would Seem That Those On Earth Would Use This Method To Understand The Unfolding Around them. But The Egoic Construct Is Strong And Quite Stubborn. Many Fall Into The Same Pile Of Dirt Habitually. Decide What You Desire And Set Your Intention Or You Will Certainly Experience Your Own Created Disaster.

Each Moment Of Your Life Is Sacred. Time Exists Now Only In Your Perception. Spirit Lives And Life Has No Beginning Or Ending. You Are Perceiving A Grain Of Sand In An Endless Ocean. You Are Life Itself Creating As You Move And Breathe. There Is Nothing To Worry About As You Allow The Eb And Flow To Be Gentle And Calming. What Could Be More Beautiful Than To Realize That You Are Only Dreaming. And That In Awakening You Will Remember Who You Really Are!

Many Aspects Unfold That Are Beyond Your Control. There Have Always Been Dark Forces But Light Is So Much Greater. With Collective Choices As Well As Those Made By Individuals, A New Frequency And Possibility Is Created. These Choices Are Simply New Pathways. Anyone And Everyone Can Move Again To Right The Wrongs. There Is No Point In Blame, Arrogance Or Hatred. There Is No Point In Worrying. Change The Path With A New Focus. See Others As Souls That Are Struggling To Find Peace. Show Them The Light Is Always Within. Then Leave It. Let It Go!

The Higher Vibration Will Overtake The Lower. This Will Give You Incentive When You Seek Change. Nothing Will Take Precedence Over Your Own Thoughts. Replace Them With Love, Compassion And Service To Others. In The End, Everyone Will Feel Assured With No Pressure Or Anxiety. Relax And Be Content With The Small Things Of Life. Enjoy Your Family And Friends. Spend Time In Nature. Love Your Beautiful Animals. See The Spirit Of God In All Things Around You.

There Is A Reason For All Obstacles And Maladies. As We Have Shared So Many Times, Find The Gift As You Transcend Everything To Spirit. In This Place There Is No Room For Worry. There Are Only Moments Of Perfection. I Will Meet You There.

I Love You So!