Beloved Friends Of Earth!

You Move And Live In Light And Sound. The Spirit That You Are Is Transmitting Frequencies To The Outer Perimeter Of The Universe. Life Is Holographic And Spirit Is Infinite. You Arrived On Earth To Not Only Survive But Thrive Throughout Anything That Might Unfold. One Of The Mechanisms In Place To Assist Is Uploads Of Energy Within The Soul. This Is Unknown Until Activated. Then Power Is Available With New Insights And Abilities. This Communication Is About Uploads And Downloads And What This Means For You!

In Teaching And With The Intent To Clarify These Methods Of Activation, Know There Is A Difference. One That Arrives With Uploads Has Chosen In Origin To Activate With Gifts And Expressions At A Certain Time. This Will Involve The Individual Soul And Not The Collective. It Will Allow Many Themes Experienced By The Soul To Be Completed Before Activation. The Created Personality May Suddenly Have An Excitement And Enthusiasm To Paint, Draw, Sing, Dance Or Play Instruments. Aspects Of Life That Once Sounded Boring And Mundane Are Approached As An Expression Of The Soul. 

A Download Is Very Different. It Is An External Activation From The Galactic Federation, Friends In The Higher Realms Or Other Higher Beings. Frequencies Are Sent To Open Chakras, Change Hearts, Increase Light, Give Information Or A Number Of Other Helpful Gifts. The Individual Will Note A Change In Creativity, Interests And Sleep Patterns. Many Will Sleep More And Others Can Barely Sleep As The Frequencies Of Downloads Are Powerful And Large Amounts Of Information Are Received. 

Some Downloads Are From Crafts In The Area. Great Numbers Of Starseeds May Receive Downloads Simultaneously. The Frequencies Empower The Person And A Fresh Direction Is Noted. New Ideas And Information Finally Make Sense. Awakening Is Rapid And These People Have Interests In Watching Crafts And Speaking About Dimensions And Densities. This Is The Time That Many Families And Friends Part Ways. It Is Like Oil And Water. There Is No Relating Anymore. There Is No Going Back.

But When There Is A Space, It Will Most Assuredly Be Filled. A New Frequency Is Present And There Is No Doubt That These People Are Becoming Their True Selves. The Higher Self Is Present And Alignment Is Experienced Ongoing. Each Person Will Become A Better Version Of Themselves.

Many People Will Have Vivid And Lucid Dreams Of Places In The Higher Realms. They May Encounter Beings With Messages That Are Profound. These People Will Become Teachers For Many That Never Felt They Could Express Their Own Thoughts Regarding The Higher Realms. Others May Have Visions That Are Meaningful And Deeply Spiritual.

Frequencies Of High Pitched Sounds Are Often Noted With Downloads. This May Cease Or Continue For Long Periods Of Time. Often There Are Conversations Of New Experiences And Starseeds Are Led To Friends From Their Origin. This Was Always The Plan. Light Amplifies Light And Grows With Love!

The Collective Is Always Involved When Light And Frequencies Are Sent. For The Movement Of Spirit Communication Is Seamless As Creation Is Joined Infinitely. You Are Part Of Life Itself. Become Still And Quiet And Allow The Frequency Of All Creation To Bathe Your Mind, Your Body And Your Sense Of Self. You Are Love And It Is The Moment To Receive And Remember.

We Are With You Now!
We Travel In Light!

I Love You So!