Friends Of The Great Planet Earth!

If You Could Only Know And Understand The Enormity Of Protection That Covers Your Planet, You Would Let Go Of Fear! Indeed, You Might Learn To Thrive In Harmony With Those Around You. Peace Begins Within Each Personality. The Soul Needs No Prompting For Each Soul Is The Perfection Of God Spirit And Lives As Peace.

The Galactic Federation Is More Powerful Than Humans Can Comprehend. The Earth Is Surrounded By Friends From Higher Realms. Pleiadians Have Led In These Missions Since The Beginning Of Operations By Elder IKAI. With Increased Technology For Millions Of Years, Motherships Now Enter Mountains And Change Frequencies To Be Undetected. Indeed, A Massive Mothership May Remain In Stasis In Locations Where Populations Are Thriving And The Movements Are Never Seen. Members Of The Galactic Federation Are Like Angels That Appear And Vanish At Will. The Innate Power And Light Within These Souls Is The Driving Force Of Service For All Life In The Cosmos.

Elder IKAI Is The Most Powerful Member Of The Galactic Federation. It Was From His Own Endeavors Of Light That Missions Were Created To Serve. His Creation In Elohim Led Him To Traverse Areas Of New Creation. He Became Quite Familiar With Duality As He Interacted With Darkness On Many Ventures. One Race That He Was Led To Banish From Any Visits To Earth Are The Negative Reptilians. These Beings Have Proven Themselves To Be Unworthy And Dangerous. They Once Entered The Domain Of Humans But The Decision Was Made To Never Allow This Again.

Reptilians Are Both Dark And Light Souls By The Choices Of Their Free Will. Orions Call Themselves Olais And Their Star Is Olai Which Is Known As Betelgeuse To Humans. Both Dark Souls And Souls Of Light Have Incarnated To Earth For Specific Purposes. But The Crafts Of Dark Souls Never Enter The Area Of Earth In Their True Form. They Are Allowed In Astral As There Can Be No Activity There Except Observation. All Humans Are Completely Safe From Any Dark Forces Entering The Earth Pane By Crafts. There Are No Visitations To Humans In Any Manner.

Many On Earth Still Reference The Greys As Fear Covers Their Psyche. They Once Visited Humans And There Were True Stories Of Abductions For Experimentation. But These No Longer Occur And It Has Been Over Ten Years Since They Dared To Enter The Earth Plane. There Is Nothing To Fear.

As We Have Shared Previously, A Dark Plan Was Devised By Beings On A Planet Called VALTEX. These Evil Forces Came Entirely Too Close To Earth With Plans To Harm Many Humans. Elder IKAI Caused The Disintegration Of Explosives And Poisonous Gases Designed To Kill Many Innocent People. These Dark Forces Received The Message Well And Never Again Will Be Noted To Do Harm. In The Year 2018, Their Evil Plans Ended. Indeed, Earth Is Protected Each Moment.

For The Last Thirty Years In Earth Time, The Decision Was Made To Only Allow Crafts Near The Earth From Those In The Elohim Races And Higher Beings Of Light And Truth. These Crafts Are Seen With Great Excitement And Anticipation. The Occupants Are Souls Of Light And Many Of Their Friends And Family Are Starseeds That Live On Earth In The Final Waking Dream. Many Starseeds Have Journeyed To Earth Many Times In Crafts And Motherships Unremembered.

Many Motherships Are Miles Wide With Unimaginable Heights And Shapes. The Power And Technology With Speed That Is Instant Across Galaxies Allows The Galactic Federation To Protect And Serve Seamlessly. There Are Ongoing Circumstances Where Force Is Taken To Preserve The Safety Of Planet Earth.

Many Dark Races Have Met Their Demise With A Frequency Of Power From One Mission Of Light. It Is Common To Take Out A Craft That Has Been Warned Previously. Force Is Utilized When Peaceful Measures Are Ignored. There Are Plans Made By Dark Forces Daily That Are Thwarted By Light.

Many Humans Enjoy Discussions Of Fear-Based Rhetoric. Like A Scary Book Or Movie, They Fill Their Minds With Garbage. Never Has The Earth Known So Much Protection. How Ironic That Duality Has Never Played As Loudly.

The Galactic Federation Has Grown More Powerful Each Day. New Members Have Joined Ranks With Those Of Thousands Of Years. Elder IKAI Is Honored For His Great Light And Service. Without His Dedication, There Would Be No Light Forces. He Continues To Create Larger Motherships And Receive Wonderful Members To Fly In The Finest Motherships In The Cosmos.

Rest In Knowing That You Are Cared For By The Most Powerful Forces Of Creation. Miles Above In All Directions, Motherships Full Of Souls That Protect Are Monitoring The Skies And Ground. Enjoy Your Life And Know That Soon You Will See All That Is Beyond Your Sight Now In Frequency.

You Are The Beloved Ones!

I Love You So!