Beloved Friends Of Earth!

We Are Always With You. The Assistance Given Each Moment Is Beyond The Comprehension Of Most Humans. Let’s Go Deeply Into The Recent Moments Of Archangel Uriel’s Attack. For Those Unfamiliar With Our Information And Communication, This Magnificent Soul Has Arrived As President Donald Trump. For Those That Love This Man, The Information Will Be Welcomed. For Those That Choose Hate And Fear, We Ask That You Open Your Heart To Become Free.

On A Hot Afternoon, The Stage Was Set For The Arrival Of The Next Presidential Candidate. The Excitement Grew As Cameras Flashed And Music Played. Families Gathered With New Hope For Change In Their Own Lives. But Something Very Sinister Was Also Present. Secrets And Darkness Were Quickly Unfolding. A Devious Plan Was In Place By The Very Ones Showing Concern. Evil Plans From Those Meant To Protect Will Be Known To All.

A Gunman Was Seen By Many In The Crowd. Shouts And Warnings Were Heard Throughout The Onlookers. Police And Secret Service Were Notified. But They Already Knew. The Stage Was Set To Kill The Beloved President. But Much More Was In Operation. Archangels And Bi-locals Were Arriving. The Galactic Federation Was Near And Watching From Motherships That Monitor All Relevant Meetings And Plans. 

Archangel Michael Arrived In An Instant. Standing In Light In The Right Side Of The Crowd, He Raised His Mighty Arms To Send Frequencies. A Powerful Soul From Celaeno Of The Pleiades Arrived In Bi-local Service. Allowing His Presence To Not Be Noted, He Turned The Head Of President Trump. Bullets Were Flying And The Ear Of The President Was Pierced. This Was Allowed As The Incident Would Serve Well To Change Many Hearts. The Frequency From Archangel Michael Was In Direct Correlation To The Plan Unfolding. It Would Allow A Great Softening And Change For The Powerful President. 

A New Focus Of Light And Unity Would Enter The Soul Of The Archangel In Form. A Great Healing For All He Had Endured With Persecution Would Be The Gift. Leading Others To The Grand Shift Would Be The Mission Of Light To Change Humanity.

Free Will And The Unfolding Of Both Pain And Joy Is Part Of The Plan Of Life. The Magnificent Soul That Lived And Died In Form That Day, Also Was In Bi-local Service On Celaeno. There Is Only Celebrations And Perfection For Souls That Leave The Earth Plane. The Mission For Archangel Uriel Is Not Complete.

Stay Close To Light And Enjoy The Journey To Sheen. Expect The Darkness To Continue To Rise Against This Mighty Soul. But Enjoy The Light As This Is Your Collective Power.

You Are Love And We Are Here To Remind You Of All Gifts Within.

I Love You So!