Friends Of Light And Power!

As You Move Through The Final Waking Dream, Many Of You Are Receiving Downloads And Experiencing Visions. You Are Spirit And As Infinite Souls You Are Powerful. But For Every Moment Of Truth With Real Perception, There Are Those That Operate With Confusion And Recycled Information. In This Communication We Will Discuss Inner Vision And The Truth Of What Is Possible.

All Souls Glean Expanded Consciousness In Each Waking Dream. This Is Achieved With Everyday Life That Offers Challenges And Maladies To Overcome. Many Challenges Cause A Great Deal Of Pain And A Limit Is Reached Where Each Person Has The Opportunity To Grow And Transcend To Spirit. With A New Perspective, Consciousness Moves Forward In Expansion And Light!

Awakening In Increments Throughout Each Dream Allows Individual Growth While Experiencing The Collective. Everyone Has A Journey Of The Soul And No Two Beings Are Having The Same Experience Of Awareness And Perception.

Teaching About The Pineal Gland Is Common In The Earth School. But There Are Children That Can See Densities With No Access To Knowledge Or Activation Of The Powerful Pineal Gland. While Some People Insist That Inner Sight Is Strictly Due To This Opening, Know In Truth, There Is Much More Involved. 

The Psyche, The Soul Plan And Gifts Of Clairvoyance, Clairaudience And Many Others Have Opened Shortly Upon The Arrival Of The Soul From The Higher Realms. In Darkness, Many Small Children Are Awake In Their Beds As They Experience Travel, Fairies And Angels. Calling Out To Their Parents They Are Told They Imagined Everything. Over Time, The Child Grows And Enters The Matrix. Everything That Is Real Is Diminished By Belief. Awakening Brings Truth Back To The Visiting Soul That Lives With A False Identity. In These Moments There Will Be Peace And Understanding. A Person Will Also Feel Isolated And Alone Until Alignment Is Achieved. This Process Of Alignment Will Continue As Nothing Satisfies The Egoic Personality Without Truth.

Humans Are Designed With Their Ability To Create Boundaries That Allow Focus And Clarity In 3-D. In Truth, Densities Are Layered In Vibrational Frequencies Around All Humans. Without The Ability To See These Frequencies, Fairies Dance Everywhere And Motherships Enter Mountains Unseen. Life Is Energy And Spirit And Nothing Remains In Stasis. Many Humans Move Through Areas And Feel The Energy Change Around Them. Many Receiving This Message Might Note A Bristling Feeling When Evil Is Near. Some Will Have Ringing In Their Ears When High Vibrational Beings Are Close. Everyone Has Innate Abilities When Focus Is Heightened With Awareness.

Inner Sight Is Achieved With Eyes Closed Or In Darkness. This Shuts Off Surrounding Activity Which Prevents Inner Sight. Meditation With Complete Focus On The Inner World Will Sometimes Allow Glimpses Of Other Realms, Life In Origin And Family Members From Origin. When You Set Your Intention To Know Truth And Open Your Heart, Anything Is Possible.

Telepathy Is A Wonderful Method Of Seamless Communication. It Is Used By Souls In The Higher Realms To Speak With One Another, Animals On The Land And Family That Has Incarnated To Experience Duality For Growth And Expansion. For Humans, This Allows Communication With Guides As Well As Comfort And Wisdom From Higher Beings Of Light!

It Is Entirely Possible To Meet Angels And Those In Bi-local Operations. Crafts Are Accepted By People Throughout The World. But The Vast Number Of Crafts Are Never Seen As People Are Busy With Life On Earth. Motherships Are Everywhere And The Occupants Intend To Be Seen. But Changing Densities Allows  Complete Movement Through Rocks, Mountains And Tunnels Unseen To Human Eyes. Understanding The Meaning Of Densities Allows One To Know That Raising Vibrational Frequency Will Move Matter Into A Moment Of Vanishing. All That Report Seeing Beings Of Light Or High Vibrations Are Being Afforded A Gift In Moments That Will Not Last. 

Trust Your Inner Sight As You Seek Truth And Allow Fear To Be Dispelled. Know That You Are Spirit And Connected To All Life In This Manner. You Are Infinite And Your Consciousness Has Lived Through Millions Of Years Since Your Created Moment. Inner Vision Can Allow Moments Of Other Lifetimes To Be Seen In Order To Serve You. 

Dreams Can Be Full Of Memories That The Psyche Holds In Truth. The Mind Is Also Able To Create Nonsense With Dreams. Paying Close Attention To Dreams That Are Repetitive Or Meaningful Will Sometimes Be The Answer To What You Seek. Families From Origin As Well As Spirit Guides Can Place Dreams And Messages Into Stories You Dream Throughout Your Life.

Spirit Is Speaking Each Moment In Ways To Bring Peace And Comfort. Focus On This Truth And Close Your Eyes. Relax And Know You Are Safe And So Loved. Allow The Presence Of Source Love To Permeate Your Being. Allow Spirit To Show You What Is Helpful And Good. Be Prepared For Inner Sight To Serve You!

I Love You So!