Beloved Ones!

WE understand the challenges You are facing.

Be Strong! But learn to Relax and take each moment with a knowing of Peace!

The brain and complete nervous system can be over-stimulated due to the constant changing energy.

Your Field and Aura are constantly changing.

People, weather, emotions and changing life are always causing excess Cortisol, Adrenaline and other stress Hormones to be released.

All are being affected on a continual basis.

WE urge you to Meditate, let go of the perceived past, find music that you resonate with on a calming level and be Grateful for each moment of life.

Know You are always Safe and Loved.

Remember that the Only Aspect of Self that can’t be over stimulated is the Consciousness and Soul. The Eternal Divinity of Source that You will always Be!

WE Love You So!