Beloved Friends Of Life And Change!

There Are Moments When The Other Side Of What Is Known In Your Life Calls To You. There Are Instances Where Messages Are Given And Received Without Complete Understanding Of The Method Involved. There Are Frequencies Heard And Detected That Vanish As Quickly As They Come. These Are Moments To Know The Veil Is Thinning. Trust The Innate Ability Within To Grasp Higher Beings Speaking In Your Presence.

We Speak To You With Telepathy In A Flow Of Wisdom And Light. For Those That Are Learning To Communicate Telepathically, We Say, ‘Well Done!’. Our Purpose Is To Assist You In Knowing That You Are Safe And So Loved By The Higher Realms. For Teaching Purposes, We Will Refer To Densities As Veils Of Frequency That Are Becoming More Real. Your Current Perception Of 3-D Allows For A Lower Vibrational Frequency To Be Noted. But Know In Truth, There Is So Much More For You To Experience.

We Liken This Experience To Hearing Music From Another Room. A Sound, A Melody And A Voice Unknown Speaks Softly In Frequencies Heard By Human Senses. Maybe The Words Are A Bit Muffled But The Absolute Sound Continues. If Music Is Actually Playing, You Might Think Nothing Of It. But Suppose You Are Alone In Your Home And A Voice Calls Out With A Message Unclear? What Then?

You Might Listen Carefully Without Fear. Become Still And Quiet And Know That All Things Are Possible. There Are Gifts Of Clairvoyance And Clairaudience As Well As Other Abilities. While Some Develop These Gifts That Remain Ongoing, Others Will Have A Specific Moment Where The Gift Activates For A Reason. This Person May Or May Not Remain With The Ability, But They Will Never Experience Life Quite The Same.

Pleiadians Enjoy This Type Of Activity With Friends And Family That Have Incarnated. Maybe You Can Attest To Moments Where Your Name Is Called Or You Hear Words Of Love And Comfort. Know That There Was A Reason And Purpose To Serve You. Higher Vibrational Beings Are Speaking Through The Veil And You Are Receiving Assistance In The Moment. You Will Benefit Ongoing Just By The Memories Of The Occurrence. Everything Is Here To Serve You!

There Are Homes Of Starseeds On Earth That Have Many Beings In The Location In Higher Frequencies. Fairies, Elves, Guides And Friends From Origin Enjoy Sending Frequencies Of Love Around Your Being. You May Feel This As A Soft Touch, A Flash Of Light Or A High Pitched Frequency. There Are Actual Moments Of Visuals Where A Beloved Friend Or Family Member Allows You To See Them.

A Sign Of The Times Which Is Experienced In Moments Of Now Is Becoming  More Frequent Among All Humans. This Is The Preparation For The Shifting Of The Earth And All Life Is Changing With The Thinning Of The Veil. This Is Felt As Music From Another Room. This Room Is Sheen And We Are Here To Guide You Into A New Frequency Of Light And Sound. It Is Beauty. It Is Magnificent.

My Message To You Is Clear And Precise. Move Forward And Rise Higher. This Will Take You To The Depth Of Your Soul As You Understand The Veil Is An Illusion. Discovering That You Carry The Light Within Can Take You Higher To A Place Unremembered. Go With Me Now As We Listen To Music That You Simply Forgot. The Melody Is Infinite. It Is Everything.

I Love You So!