Beloved Friends Of Earth!

You Are A Whole Complete Soul That Is Having A Temporary Visit To The Earth School. You Might Feel Like You Do Not Belong Here. Many Are Questioning Their Stories As They Have Tried So Very Much To Have A Great Life. Once Everything Seems To Work, It Falls Apart Again. There Is A Way. There Is A Path. Learn This And Apply The Wisdom That We Offer Ongoing. You Can Have A Magnificent Life Regardless Of Any Circumstances That Are Playing Out Around You.

You Have Been Here Many Times. There Is No Starseed On Earth Now That Has Not Experienced Great Adventures While Rising In Awakening Or Remaining Asleep As The Ego Ignores Prompting. Issues Grow Large Until A Crescendo Of Pain Causes A Brief Opening To Truth. This Is The Soul Shining Light.

The Higher Self Is The First Individual Expression From One Spirit. You Are Part Of God As Spirit Is The Sacred Life Force Of All Beings. It Is Entirely Possible To Realize This Truth And Become Aware Of The Innate Power That Is Carried In All Lives That You Experience As Waking Dreams.

The Higher Self Will Also Be Known As The Soul Of Origin. In This State Of Perfection And Life, All Relationships, Surroundings And Nature Are Nurtured By Light. The Body Form Never Experiences Disease, War Or Death. These Concepts Are Known But Absent As Serenity And Joy Are Felt. To Understand The Dilemma Of Earth, These Souls Incarnate Into Waking Dreams. There Is A Decision Made To Forget The Higher Realms And Delve Into The Possibilities To Awaken And Expand In Consciousness.

As A Created Identity Feels Discomfort And Confusion With Feelings Of Not Belonging Anywhere, They Also Have Feelings That Are Fleeting. These Emotions Might Cause A Longing For A Home Somewhere Not Remembered. This Is The Soul Communicating With The Created Personality. These Are Moments That Are Invitations For You To Remember Who You Are!

Become Your Own Best Friend. Make Learning About Spiritual Matters A Priority. Set Your Intention To Know Truth And Your Soul Will Speak Volumes To Make This Happen.

You Can Choose To Disappear In Aspects Of The Personality That Are Low Frequency As You Allow The Soul To Take Over. Be Still Before You Speak. Listen To Others And Glean Wisdom From Knowing That Peace Is More Important Than Winning An Argument. Make Each Moment Count As You Realize That None Of This Matters. You Do Not Feel Angst About Communication Five Years Ago. In Five Years, What On Earth Will Matter In The Perspective Of The Soul. Indeed, You Will Have Light In Everyday Life In A Powerful Way. Think On These Things And Find Peace.

Self Care And Quiet Moments Will Serve You Well. In Times Of Solitude, Higher Realms With Souls Assisting Will Become Known In Your Awareness. Take Time To Write Your Thoughts And Feelings And Notice Words Entering The Space That Seems To Come From Another Place. These Words Of Love Are Often Telepathy And With Focus On Truth This Will Become Absolute. You Will Smile In Recognition Of Life In Another Frequency As Your True Self.

Always Believe You Are Safe And On A Journey Of Light. You Are Dreamers That Are Also Souls. This Promise Of Light Will Take You Onward As You Unite With Friends And Family In Sheen. In These Moments Of Transformation, You Will Understand The Enormity Of Preparation And Design That Leads You To The Beginning With The Ending Of The Current Waking Dream.

Serving Others With Acts Of Kindness Is The Greatest Way To Discover Your True Self. In A World That Tells You There Is Not Enough To Share, Take A Chance And Watch Your Provisions Multiply. If You Want To Have More, Give More With An Open Heart. In The Higher Realms All Is Service To The Light By Showing Love For All Creation.

Sometimes Finding Yourself, You Must Lose Yourself. Falling Many Times With Hurt And Pain Will Allow You A New Depth Of Being. Realizing That Fear Is An Illusion Will Direct Your Path To Higher Frequencies. Here Is The Place Of Truth. This Is Where You Realize That You Are The Soul In Form On The Magnificent Planet That Has Taken You Back To The True Self.

We Share Your Journey!
You Are Surrounded By Beings Of Light As We Encourage And Teach!
Awaken, Beloved Ones!
Remember Your Light!

I Love You So!