Who are the Pleiadians and how are they relevant to disclosure?

Pleiadians are simply put, the parents of humanity. They are not only responsible for human existence on Earth, but never left us and have been guiding us all along.

A race of extraterrestrial beings called by many names in ancient texts— Elohim, Angels, Watchers, Son of Man, they are the first race in creation and the most powerful. Elohim describes beings who have descended from 12D to lower dimensions, creating an identity through their own intention. Elohim include Archangels, Fairies and other beings who all generally have the same basic body shape of a head, two arms, and two legs. Therefore, we are made in the image of GOD, or as the scripture says, “Elohim”.

Pleiadians are the true guardians of the planet, protecting Earth against the disasters we never hear about. They guide us throughout our lives without interfering in our free will. They incarnate as humans themselves, choosing to forget who they are, and experience the same challenges that humans do. They are completely benevolent and loving, their only goal is for humanity to reach its full potential.