Who are the Pleiadians?

Pleiadians are simply put, the primary parents of humanity. We are created in their image.

A race of extraterrestrial beings called many names in ancient texts; elohim, angels, watchers, son of man. They are the guardians of the Earth, protecting us against disasters we never hear about. They serve as Spirit Guides to humans, while also incarnating alongside us. They are completely benevolent and loving, and their only goal is for humanity to achive its full potential, to rise and become a galactic civilization.

Millions of years ago, Pleiadians lead a group of Elohim in the creation of the modern human physical form by upgrading the existing beings on Earth. For a long time ET races came and left openly as friends, and there was no fear from humans. Pleiadians influenced cultures worldwide by spreading language, art, architecture, and brought many species of animals that weren’t native to Earth.

Negative ETs, referred to as fallen angels in scripture, began to interfere and persuaded humans to worship them and manipulate other people. The world became violent. The Pleiadian-aligned humans on the surface went underground and were helped by Pleiadians in creating a new society.

Earth was allowed to remain a world of duality, where darkness could disguise itself as light, and the truth of God would be taught by incarnated Messengers so that free will remained. And in this dualilty, the Elohim incarnate as human beings themselves, forgetting who they are, so they can experience the same trials humans do.