Neioh – “Seeing Crafts is another way We assist others to break through the Matrix and remember they have other Origins and are here to Awaken.”
Galactic Federation Fleets are small crafts, which can be occupied with 1 or 2 passengers, or unoccupied. They are used for various Galactic Federation operations, and are visible to us for the purpose of disclosure. They are meant to look innocuous to the average person to avoid causing fear, while provoking interest in those ready to ask deeper questions. Fleets are often mistaken for sky lanterns or drones, and this is by design. They can be the size of a small car or smaller if unoccupied. They can be perfectly round like a sphere or morph into an oval or pill shape. Larger crafts and Motherships use the same morphing technology.
Each Craft will have windows that can be quickly covered to be solid and impenetrable to any foreign object. The windows can be tinted or brightly illuminated. There is always a large viewing window and occupants can walk around the Craft with ease and monitor the exterior through windows or viewing screens. Some Fleets have no occupants and the Mothership will accommodate any preferences for a mission.
USS Kearsarge – October 2021

South China Sea – November 24, 2021
Witness (Pilot): “South China sea, 9 lights visible in video, then it becomes 12 lights in formation, closest object disappears then 3 more objects reappear on outside of formation. Filmed at 39,000 ft over the South China Sea, lights all then slowly vanish.”
Paternson, NJ – October 2021
New York City – 2010
Thousands witnessed an Arcturian Fleet, which actually aired on CBS as “glowing orbs floating over NYC which some are calling UFOs”
North Carolina Coast – September 18, 2019
Neioh – There are many underwater Stations as it is a great place to remain private. Water is also a powerful conductor of Energy.
Over the ocean – August 31, 1994
Witness – “There were seven lights. They’re keeping pace with us.”
Wichita, KS – November 26, 2020
Neioh – This is a Pleiadian Craft that is part of a Fleet of 30. It is more of an Oval Shape but this can’t be seen due to the film and movement. It has dropped altitude and is exploring Solo. The Craft will join the Fleet when the Mothership Signals and all will return to altitude 50 miles straight up.
Sayville, NY – October 16, 2020
Neioh – This is a Pleiadian Fleet Of 30, with a Mothership 20 miles up. The Crafts are free flying for exploring and socializing. When this is completed, all will be called back and line up and enter the Mothership.
Albuquerque, NM – October 5, 2019 (Mass Sighting)
Neioh – This is a Fleet of our finest from the Galactic Forces. They are being seen with intention. This Mission is checking Frequency and Codes of Crystals beneath the Earth’s surface. These are being seen all over the planet. A few fortunate people will film them! Pleiadians enjoy this as the work for Crystal placement has increased and expanded as Awareness and Awakening is rapidly upon the Planet. There are no areas where there is not Crystal placement, including oceans. Some of these Crystals are being used now to communicate Earth to the Pleiades.
Bossier City, LA – January 5, 2020
After this story went viral, the local Sheriff’s Office claimed that they were informed the lights were Military Planes. According to eye-witnesses, the lights were repeatedly flashing different colors and were often not even moving at all. Here’s footage edited together from several sources.
King of Prussia, PA – February 15, 2020
Neioh – How can people not know how many of us are here! It is just a matter of time!
Detroit, Michigan – October 14, 2020
Neioh – Pleiadian Fleet!
Simi Valley, CA – January 1, 2021
Witness – Multiple glowing red craft would appear from behind some hills to my south, then hover, increase altitude and turn to the west on an ascending trajectory before flickering out. The pattern repeated for about 30 minutes.