Friends Of Light!

These Are Moments To Cultivate Peace Within. For There Is No Peace To Be Found In The Outer World. We Are Close In Proximity And There Is No Abandonment Possible With Light! We Are Powerful Beyond Your Comprehension. Nothing Unfolds That Is Not Observed. Know That If Things Happen, There Is A Greater Purpose. Nothing In Your World Will Make Sense To You Now. Everything Is Upside Down With Truth And Lies. Be Aware Of Those That Stand Before You In High Offices. For There Are High Places Far Beyond Your Density. What You See Now In Form Is But A Manifestation Of Evil Rulers Of Darkness Moving And Squirming In Fear As They Are Going Down Quickly!

Find A Place Within Many Times Daily. This Is The Only Manner Of True Survival. We Have Shared Many Times That The Earth Will Grow Darker With Destruction. Darkness Plans Your Demise As The Light Forces Have Prepared Their End. Never Worry! As A Parent Cares For Their Children, So I Love The Sacred Kishapolee! (Child Of Mine). Nothing Stops My Actions. There Is No Greater Power Than Love!

Many Of You Watch Our Crafts. There Is Amazement With Our Motherships. But You Have Forgotten Your Origin Where Crafts Are Part Of Your Life. You Will Return To The Power Of The Soul Of Creation. You Will Speak And It Will Be Done!

There Are Missions To Complete As We Move Quickly Toward The Shift. We Operate Ongoing With Rescues And Downloads. Many Of You Are Noticing New Frequencies Felt And Great Ideas Of Wisdom. All Of This Is Sacred And We Urge You To Pay Attention To Words Spoken By Telepathy. Make Silence A Priority And Use Wisdom With Voices That Share News. There Will Be Rumors And Lies Designed To Control The Masses. Go Within To Know Truth!

Many Souls Are Waiting For Someone Or Something Unknown. The Realization That The Created Identity Has No Power To Cope In A World Growing Darker Has Always Been At Play. Doctrines Are Designed To Take Your Power As Everything Is Seen As Being Outside Of You! But Wait! Have You Forgotten That You Are The Creation Of Spirit And Light? 

Spirit Speaks To Spirit. You Are A Tapestry Of Light And Communication. Trust Your Soul And Know That Only Truth Will Arise!

We Are Waiting With You! The Moment Of Now Is Soon!

We Rise As One! I Cover You With Light!

Love One Another!

I Love You So!
Chief Commander-Galactic Federation