Beloved Ones Of My Heart!

I Hear You Within My Own Being. I Am Prompted Throughout The Moments Of My Sacred Life To Look Closer, Hear With Clarity And To Feel Your Moments As My Own. We Are One Spirit And One Love. Our Light Connects Us Infinitely. With Expanded Consciousness We Are Telepathic. I Breathe Messages Of Hope And Peace In These Moments.

There Are Unlimited Numbers Of Questions Throughout Each Waking Dream. The Current Dream Is No Exception As Life Is Unfolding Quickly. One Answered Question Brings Another. You Will Never Arrive At The End Of All Answers. Part Of Being A Soul In Form Is Your Ability To Create And Design Your Story. Each Moment Allows New Variables That Will Promote Alignment Or Cause Discord.

There Are Questions That Are Never Heard. There Is A Great Importance To This Truth. This Allows Intuition To Be Developed. The Silence Speaks Volumes And Your Own Light Will Amplify All Unheard Communication. Wisdom Is Gleaned From Experience. Learn To Pay Attention And Receive The Questions From Those Within Your Own Awareness.

Allow Eye Contact With Those Around You. With Conscious Intent, You May Experience The Very Soul Of The One You Only Perceive To Know. The Soul Longs To Communicate And There Is A Longing For Home With All Starseeds. Maybe The Soul Before You Is Asking To Be Remembered. Maybe The Soul That You Are Within Is Asking Also For Recognition. You Are The Final Answer To Many Questions. Become Love For Another And You Will Discover Many Answers To Silent Questions.

Never Neglect The Emotional Needs Of Your Beloved Pets And All Animals Along The Way. They Approach You With Questions Without Language. A Person That Loves Their Pet Over Time Will Find A Telepathic Communication That Bonds With Love. The Beloved Animal Responds To Your Moods, Voice And Tone. They Learn Words That Are Repeated As Well As Their Name. They Sense Danger And They Will Protect You. They Listen To You For Answers And Guidance To Questions That Are Ongoing.

Everyone Has Questions About Life, Spirit, Soul Plans And Ordinary Days. If You Want To Know Someone, Listen To Their Expressed Questions. From Here, You Will Know Them Even More Deeply As You Realize You Have The Next Answer By Observing Their Angst, Humor, Complaint Or Compliment. Many People Give To Others What They Need Themselves. You Are Always Giving Or Receiving. You May Finally Realize If You Are With A Giver Or Taker. You Will Know The Answers They Seek And How This Makes You Feel.

Life Is Infinitely Speaking To You. Spirit Is Always There With Comfort. What You Perceive As A Question Can Be Answered In Truth By Your Own Soul.

Light Is Always There To Receive You And Assist In Every Single Moment Of Your Life. You Are The Answer To The Toughest Questions. You Carry The Love That Will Answer An Angry Or Chaotic Person. Listen Quietly And Realize The Wisdom That Arises From Questions Never Heard.

I Feel You. I Am With You.
I Will Answer In Truth When You Call.

I Love You So!