Beloved Ones Of My Heart!

I Feel You When I Breathe. I Hear Your Words As My Own. I Know When You Come Close If You Are Hurting. I See Your Pain In Energy Formation. I Watch Your Chakras Move In Colors As You Communicate With Me. I Hear You Telepathically And I See You In My Travels.

I Feel You. We Are One In Spirit. I Am With You On This Infinite Journey Of Light!

What Will Assist When You Feel Everything? How Can You Manage In A World That Seems Upside Down With Truth And Lies? How Do You Find Wisdom To Serve You Each Moment? I Will Tell You Now So That Your Life Will Be Not Only Bearable But Joyful In All Circumstances. We Will Transcend All Obstacles To Spirit As We Discover The Majesty Of Life Within.

I Am A Soul As You Are. We Are Singing The Song Of Life In Many Chords And Frequencies. Allow Others To Sing Their Song. Know In Truth That Your Song Will Change Many Times. Never Stop Singing! Our Melody Lives On Infinitely And The Beautiful Song Of Love Will Never End.

In These Moments That You Receive My Words, There Are Feelings That Your Heart Is Experiencing That You Wish To Control. Maybe You Are Overwhelmed With Grief. Maybe You Are Feeling Joy In Powerful Waves Of Emotion. And Maybe You Are An Empath As You Experience The Emotions Of Others Within Your Own Being.

Some Of Us Feel Everything. And Then We Feel More. Like A Sponge Absorbing Water, We Are Drenched With The Emotions Of Another’s Experience. Having Compassion Is A Blessing. Having Sympathy Can Move Us To Make Changes. Being An Empath Takes Courage And As You Move Through Your Waking Dream, You Must Have Boundaries To Survive.

Every Person Feels Emotions Of Pain And Discord. Joy And Happiness Come And Go In Moments. But Peace Is A State Of Being That Is Offered By The Soul. Strive To Understand There Is A Complete Path To Peace. I Tell You Often To Cultivate The Inner World Of Being. Here Is The Place Of Aligning The Personality With The Soul That You Are! Seek Peace And Pursue This As A Gift To Yourself.

Allow Emotions To Come And Go. Do Your Best To Maintain Equilibrium. You Cannot Manage The Emotions of Another. You Can Only Take Care Of Your Own State Of Being. Choose Thoughts Of A High Vibration And Watch The Changes Of Your Own Emotions Blossom Into Joy!

If You Have A High Sensitivity To News Regarding Animals Or Children That Is Unimaginable, You Must Guard Your Heart. Stop The Video, Mute The Sound, Leave The Room Or Look The Other Way And Sing Loudly! You Must Have Barriers And Take Care Of Your Psyche So That It May Serve You With Peaceful Sleep And A Calm Demeanor.

The Brain Experiences Reactively With Thoughts, Visuals Or Beliefs. This Means That What You See, Hear And Think Will Affect You The Same As If It Is Real. The Same Is True For Positive Thoughts, Feelings And Visuals. Seeing A Nature Video And Repeating “I AM” Affirmations With Belief, Will Allow A Healing Effect On Your Body. “I Am Healed” Will Take You To Beautiful Places.

You Are The Creators Of Your Waking Dream. You Are Love! I Know And I Believe That We Are One. We Are Souls On A Journey Of Light. I Love Every One Of You! Did You Feel This? Do You Know That It Is True?

The Greatest Gift You Can Give To Another Is To Love Yourself. As You Do This, A Better World Is Being Created For Others. It Begins Within The Heart Of Each Being. It Does Not Matter What You Own, Where You Have Been Or What You Have Done. You Are Beautiful Just As You Are.

Begin This Moment And Move Forward With The Intent To Be The Best Version Of Yourself. This Waking Dream Is Brief As We Move Toward The Grand Shift. Make It Count With Gratitude For Learning So Much And Allowing The Changes Of Growth. Set Your Boundaries To Deal From A Position Of Strength.

Remember Your Light Will Guide You Home! Hold Your Emotions Within A Blanket Of Soothing Energy. Here It Will Serve You With Wisdom!

I Hold You Closely And Send Love To Your Beautiful Hearts!

I Love You So!