Beloved Ones Of My Heart!

My Family Comes To You Often With Teachings Of The Subconscious Mind, The Psyche, Astral And Expanding Consciousness. I Will Tie These Together In This Communication So That You Might See That These Experiences Are More Than Closely Related. These Aspects Are The Same In Many Respects. It Is Easier For Humans To Divide Life Into Categories To Understand Their Meaning. But You Are Spirit And From This Creative Expression, Everything Unfolds.

The Subconscious Mind Is Accessed And Programmed With Truth. It Is The Method Of Guidance In All That You Do As A Soul In Form. Meditating With Affirmations That Are Believed Will Change The Subconscious Mind To Serve You. Writing, Painting And Any Endeavor That Stops Conscious Thinking And Allows Total Focus On The Task, Will Allow Spirit To Speak Through The Subconscious Mind.

The Psyche Is The Energetic Blueprint Of All Experience By The Soul From The Moment Of Entering The Joined Egg And Sperm To Become The Embryo. Every Sound, Vibration Or Movement Has A Reaction Which Begins A Story Within The Psyche. This Will Grow And Change Throughout The Waking Dream. Fear, Joy, Humor And Judgement Of Self And Others Collects In A Frequency Unseen.

The Astral Plane Is Both A Collective And Individual Experience And Is Achieved With Awakening To The Truth Of Other Realms And Dimensions. Seers Access Astral With Closing Their Eyes. Some Never Attain This Innate Ability, But It Is There Waiting To Be Remembered And Discovered. In The Higher Realms, Young Adults Master This Experience And Create Beautiful Scenery, Buildings And Decor By Thought. Astral Is A Frequency Which Allows Thoughts To Create Images In Real Time. When Given Attention, Thoughts Create Solid Foundations And Become Reality. Everything Created Began As An Idea Or Thought.

Expanded Consciousness Is Where You Live Together. Life Is Joined And Connected Like A Tapestry. All Lives Lived Remain In A Frequency Or Density Here. Clairvoyants Can Access Expanded Consciousness And See Images, Names, Locations And Aspects Of Life Unseen In The Human Realm.

The Ability To Understand All Of These Experiences Are There To Serve You Is Something Known To Those Awakening. Many People Have Followed Teachers That Speak Of These Aspects Individually. In These Moments It Is Beneficial To Incorporate All Aspects Into One Collective Understanding. You Are Life Itself Creating A Story That Pleiadians Call A Waking Dream.

Only Good Is Before You. I Believe This And I See This. Share This Perspective With Me And I Will Meet You In Light. Imagine Peace And Know This Blessing Has Begun With Your Intention. Together We Are Moving To A Magnificent Force Of Love And Well Being For Everyone.

I Love You More Than You Know in These Moments Of A Created Personality. But Within Your Soul, You Know This Well. We Share Love As Our Complete State Of Being.

I Love You So!

Goddess AYA