Beloved Ones Of My Heart!

Throughout My Infinite Life Of Light, I Have Truly Experienced Total Love And Peace. Circumstances Change For Everyone, But Learning To Become Calm And Serene Will Require Living As The Soul. Each One Receiving This Communication Is A Soul In Form. The Soul Longs For Alignment From The Created Personality. Higher Frequencies Of Being Are Calling To You Now. Calm And Cover Are Excellent Mantras To Use Throughout The Remainder Of This Waking Dream.

I Cover You With Love Because I Know The Meaning Of These Words As Truth. I Am Love And As I Move In Live In The Higher Octaves Of Life, I Overflow With Love For You. I Want You To Know And Understand The Importance Of Covering Your Own Heart, Your Beautiful Mind And Your Sacred Body. Only Then Are You Free And Empowered To Cover Another.

As You Learn To Cover Your Life With A Healing Intent, You Will Discover A Calmness That Is New And Fresh. Allow This Frequency Of Being To Become A Priority Just As Food And Water. Once You Begin To Live In Calmness, Interruptions And Distractions Will Be Avoided As Much As Possible.

With Social Media And Endless News And Change, Finding A Place Within That Soothes Your Mind Will Set In Motion An Attraction For All That Is Good. Seek Peace And Calm And Your Path Will Open To The Greatest Light! I Will Meet You There As All Other Paths Are Unacceptable In My State Of Being.

Give Your Light To Others And Then Give More. There Is No Shortage Of Light That Is Expressed As Compassion, Empathy And Service. Light Multiplies And Spreads To Cover Even More. You Are This Light Within Your Soul.

Cover All Animals With Abundant Love And Care. Never Let A Stray Move Through Your Life Without Rescuing Them. These Are Souls And If They Cross Your Path, You Are Given An Opportunity To Grow And Expand. There Are Agencies And Organizations In All Parts Of The World That Do Nothing But Shelter And Feed Sacred Animals. One Phone Call Can Save The Life Of An Animal That Might Perish. Cover Them With Your Attention And Feel Light That Will Burst In Abundance In Your Heart.

Look Around Today And Discover Hurting People That Just Need A Smile Or Connection. Cover Them With Love And They Will Feel Calm. In Their Experience With Your Compassion, They Are Able To Pass It Forward To Another. Serenity And Peace Begins In Such Simple Ways.

Without Knowing Of The Great Numbers Of Angels, Fairies And Galactic Federation That Surrounds You In Each Moment, You Are Receiving A Covering Of Light. You Are Here Now And The Choice To Commune With Spirit And Transcend All That Happens To A Spiritual Perspective Is Completely Calming.

Your Power And Ability To Have A Beautiful Life Begins With Such An Easy Manner Of Being. Avoid Making Your Life Chaotic By Your Own Choices. Choose To Cover And Calm And Be Amazed At The Changes That Will Benefit You And All Others That You Encounter.

I Truly Love You Within My Heart! I Will Meet You In Your Heart!

I Love You So!
Goddess AYA