Beloved Ones Of My Heart!

When I Contemplate Life And All That It Means To Me, Know In Truth That You Are Front And Center. I Understand You In All Of Your Moments. I Long For The Full Awakening Of All Souls So That You Will At Last Give Up All Aspects That Hinder And Obstruct Your Plans. 

What Do You Do When You Feel You Can’t Breathe And The Losses Are So Great? To Those That Know Grief And Pain That Threatens To Take You Out, I Bow In Humble Recognition. I Too Have Experienced This In Waking Dreams. I Am Here To Hold You As Tears Flow In Expressions Of Your Deepest Wounds. I Am Here To Promise That You Will Make It To The Other Side.

Everyone Receiving This Communication Has Overcome Many Challenges. The Pain Stops And A Smile Returns. You Made It Through The Worst Days And Nights Alone. For Comfort Might Come In Many Forms From Many People. But You Alone Feel The Storm Of Life Within Your Own Being. 

Knowing That You Once Thought The Next Wave Would Surely Be The One That Took You Under, You Gasped, Breathed In Fresh Air And Looked Around To See The Waves Subside. So It Is With All Suffering. It Came To Pass Through And Leave You With New Strength.

Without The Pain Of Life, You Could Never Assist Another. Many Will Become Great Spiritual Teachers That Are Known. But Powerful Teaching From Your Own Experience Is Just As Effective As Anyone Else’s Story. And You Know It Is All A Story As You Dream Awake To Expand In Consciousness. Enjoy Every Moment Knowing There Is A Purpose. Go Within And Discover The Gift Before You.

Everyone Has Lost A Loved One Or A Beloved Pet. Never Hold Back Your Feelings And Depth Of Loving Another Because You Realize They Too Could Leave Before You. Instead, Savor Each Moment With Simple Life. Share A Meal, Walk Your Pets, Do The Chores Of Another. They Notice And It Creates A Frequency Of Love And Gratitude.

You Are On A Journey Of Light. You Will Fall Many Times In Darkness. But Know The Path Of Light Is There. You Only Need To Remember. When Life Threatens To Take Everything, Smile And Give It All. For In Truth, Nothing Can Be Lost! You Are Star Travelers That Arrived With Only The Light Of Your Soul.

Soon, The Lights From Thousands Of Crafts Will Be Seen By Even The Most Skeptical. You Will Note That Memories Of All Waking Dreams Will Be Swirling In Consciousness With Clarity. You Will Be Astonished And Amazed At The Roles You Played And How You Danced With Joy And Died In Sorrow. You Will Experience Awareness From The Power Of Your Soul And This Will Never Leave.

And You Will Turn To Receive The Portal Of Light As You Feel Magnificent With The Truth That You Made It! Rise In The Light Of Infinite Life As The Final Waking Dream Ends.

I Will Meet You There, Beloved Ones!
I Love You So!