Beloved Friends Of Earth!

Living In Your Current Reality Is Not Always Easy. To Be Sure, It Is Quite Challenging. Fear Is Created With Even Your Choices Of Entertainment. You Choose Movies With Murder Plots Over Titles Of Flowers Or Animals. Everyday Life Has Become Mundane With Endless News And No Positive Changes. Crimes Are Up Throughout The Planet. Fear Begins Its Journey With A Mask Of Hate. Within The Hidden Being Is A Fearful Person That Lashes Out. This Communication Is For Those With Masks.

As You Observe Bullies And Those That Seek Power Over Your Life, Look Closely. There Is A Great Illusion Unfolding Before You. The Meanest And Seemingly Most Powerful Are Often Cowardly Within. The Illusion They Promote Is Fear Masked As Hatred. They Are Afraid Of Everything Around Them. They Are Terrified Of You.

The Only Truth Is Love. The Only Comfort Of Life Is Love. This Is Real For Everyone That Chooses. Fear Is The Opposite Of Love. There Is Torment, Deceit And Lies That Destroy Lives. Next Time You Look Evil In The Face, See The Facade.

There Are Phrases Used By Those That Are Angry. Words Of A Low Vibration Will Cloud Judgement And Harm Relationships. But With Humor And The Intent To Release Your Emotions Without Cursing, You Might Enjoy Saying, “Go Love Yourself!” See The Look Of Astonishment In The Face Of One Expecting An Argument. Hopefully, Simple Words Will Calm The Storm Before It Escalates.

Review Your Own Life And Discover What It Is That You Fear And Why. Do You Fear Abandonment Because You Experienced This? Do You Fear Certain Animals Due To Unpleasant Experiences In Childhood? Do You Fear War Because The News Speaks Of This Continually? Do You Fear Losing Your Right To Speak Freely, Buy Homes Or Food? All Of These Aspects Are Significant. But All Of Them Are Happening As A Thought In Your Mind. Life Will Unfold As It Will. But Fear Is Not A Component To Serve You! Reverse All Of These Questions To The Opposite Outcome. Focus On The Best Scenario And Cover It With Love.

Anything Feared In Your Life Is Here To Transcend To Spirit As A Gift. Allow Each Moment To Serve You With The Creative Power Within. Love Yourself, Then Love Another! There Is More Power In This Than Any Other Pursuit.

You Need No Detailed Plan When Love Guides You. The Soul That You Are Knows Only This Love. See The Light In Another Whenever This Is Possible. Then Speak To Them As Though This Is All You See! Imagine The Changes In Everyone’s Life If They Were Addressed With Such Love!

I Love You So!