Beloved Friends Of Earth!

We Have Communicated Ongoing Regarding Densities Unseen To Human Eyes. But The Soul Is Aware Of All Spirit. You Are The Soul With A Created Identity In Each Waking Dream. As A Powerful Being Of Light, The Possibility To Perceive Other Densities Is Always Present. In This Communication We Will Discuss A Group Of Small Beings That Were Created By Fairies.

The LEK Stand One Foot In Height. They Are Able To Change Densities At Will In Their Movements. They Remain Ethereal Much Of The Time. When Manifesting Into 3-D, A Specific Look Is Achieved. They Would Appear To Be Very White In Color With The Look Of A Puffy White Suit. But This Is The Skin Color And Manner Of Presentation. Their Heads Are Large And Round. Their Body Has Two Arms And Two Legs That Would Appear Balloon Like In Earth Standards. They Have No Facial Features And Make No Sounds. They Have No Soul As They Are Creative Counterparts Of Sacred Fairies Of Elohim With Powerful Souls Of Magic And Creativity.

It Was Found To Be Helpful To The Galactic Federation In Moments Of Expansion To Welcome Fairies In Many Endeavors. As Magic Was Used To Increase Speed Of Motherships And Add Great Technology, Fairies Travel Alongside Powerful Members On Endless Missions Of Light. As Bases Were Established In Multiple Locations, The Fairies Chose To Assist Further. They Would Create Extensions Of Themselves That Would Serve In Capacities By Direction. The Souls Of Fairies Carry No Doubt, Division Or Chaos. They Would Create Manifestations Of Beings That Would Remain In Galactic Federation Bases Until Directed To Go Forth And Serve.

With Magic, The LEK Were Created As These Small Beings. They Remain In A Frequency Of Light On Each Base Created. When Fairies Note Areas Of Service That The LEK Would Be Able To Enter And Provide Great Healing Or Protection, Activation Of The LEK Is Performed.

In Deep Space And On Stars Where Galactic Federation Have Established Their Presence With Bases, The Force Of The LEK Are Utilized With Ease As Fairies Direct Them To Locations With Great Love And Powerful Magic. On Earth, There Are Large Bases Within Mountains, In Areas Of Ice And Throughout Bodies Of Water. The Activation Of The LEK Is Seamless And Fairies Know Exactly Where To Send These Beings Of Light.

The LEK Travels In Light With Swirling Energy. They Exit Silver Portals That Would Resemble Small Explosions Of Silver Light. Moving Softly But With Intention, The LEK Move Quickly To Locations Of Animals, Birds And All Wildlife In Areas Of Their Program. They Assist Life In Many Places By The Intention And Programming Of Light From Fairies.

The Vast Expanse Of Movement In The Travels Of The LEK Are In Frequencies To Provide Comfort And Sustenance. Many Baby Birds Have Been Fed By Visits From The LEK. Puppy Mills Are Frequented As Petting And Tones To Calm Are Given. Food And Water Are Given To Animals, Birds And Wildlife Throughout Regions Of Earth. Animals Are Guided Off Of Busy Highways And Into Wooded Areas Of Trees That Provide Shade. Wings Of Birds Are Healed So That They Fly High After Being Wounded. Ponds And Streams Are Filled With Water As Fairies Appear And Join Ranks With Their Friends In Service. Indeed, The Teams Of LEK And Fairies Cover All Areas Of Need.

Veterinarian’s Offices Are Often Visited During Arrivals Of Traumas With Animals. Pain Can Be Transmuted To Energy Where No Pain Is Felt. Frequencies Can Be Emitted To Calm Frightened Animals And Allow Them To Rest. Many Animals Awake From Surgery As The Tiny LEK Are Close-by. Animals On Earth Can Perceived Beings Of High Vibrations. Many Of You Can Attest To Moments Where Your Beloved Pet Looked Into The Air And Gazed Intently At Something Unseen To You. Fairies And LEK Move Before Them In Lights And Tones Not Perceived By Human Senses. Bursts Of Silver, Glitter And Light Move Quickly In The Enjoyment Experienced By Your Beloved Pet.

Some Humans With Inner Sight Are Able To View The LEK As They Arrive In Silver Portals. They Can Be Seen Scurrying Off To Their Next Mission Of Light And Healing. With Careful Planning From The Fairies, The LEK Achieve Great Things.

Love Is All That Is Needed. Light Provides The Movement Of All That Is Worthy In Service To Creation.

I Love You So!