Beloved Friends Of Light And Change!

I Come To You Now In Efforts To Guide Many In Reflection Within The Current Waking Dream. In Truth We Have Shared Ongoing That Soul Plans Have Lessons Which Glean Wisdom, Build Character And Allow The Perfect Soul To Expand In Consciousness. Let’s Take A Closer Look At The Gift Of Lessons And The Degree Of Correlation To Awaken In Powerful Aspects.

Most Lessons Would Never Be Planned With Conscious Intent By The Individual. But The Wisdom Of The Soul Is Present And Knows Exactly What Is Needed. The Desire Of What Is Wanted By A Human Is Very Different Than The Purity Of The Soul With Intent.

Some Of The Most Difficult Challenges Can Be Experienced As A Child. With Programming And Hardwiring From Birth, Each Incident And Perception Of Pain Or Loss Is Recorded In The Psyche And Continues To Open The Same Type Of Experience. Trauma And Toxic Environments Are Horrific For Such Young Minds, But Nothing Is Wasted And These Individuals Can Become The Most Powerful Teachers As Adults. Hard Lessons Allow The Greatest Impact And The Light That Comes From Being Broken Open Is Magnificent.

Light Is The Goal. Peace Is The Prize. Lessons Are Necessary But Full Of Gifts. The Lesson Of Illness Throughout Each Life, Enables Strength, Courage And The Necessity To Go Within To Survive. Here Is The Perfect Place To Be As The Inner World Is Nourishing And The Silence Of The Soul Embraces The One That Perceives The Illness. 

Lessons Continue Through Life And Mistakes Will Always Be Present But The Choice To Learn Is Individual. The Decision Can Be Made To Learn A Lesson While Admitting The Mistake. No One Is Perfect And Everyone Falls. It Takes Strength And Character To Understand The Lesson And Allow Change. Each One Has The Opportunity To Become The Best Version Of Themselves.

The Soul Has A Perfect Plan Before Arrival To Earth. There Is Wisdom Within The Created Identity If They Choose To Access The Power Of Their Soul. The Identity In The Higher Realms Is The First Life Of Their Being. Choosing To Forget When Born On Earth, There Is A Knowing Within That Variables Will Be Created By Self, Others And Circumstances That Will Alter The Plan Made In Origin.

Forgive Others And Forgive Yourself As You Realize The Earth Is A School For Learning. Strive To See The Deeper Meaning In Things That Unfold. Know In Truth That Life Is Speaking To You. In A Whisper, A Lesson Is Unfolding. If Not Understood, A Rock Might Fall. Ignoring The Lesson, A Tree Might Fall. Allow The Wisdom Of Your Soul To Show You Lessons So That Themes Might Cease And You Can Move On.

You Are The Beloved Ones!
You Are Light!

I Love You So!