Beloved Friends Of Earth!

Life Is Infinite And The Expressions On Stars Throughout Galaxies Are Diverse And Yet Similar In Factions Of Being. All Souls Long For Easy Lives In The Outer World, But Not All Souls Have Achieved Wisdom With Understanding Spirit Is Collective. In This Communication We Will Reveal A Race That Completely Understands The Power Within. Their Moments Are Full Of Peace As Their Life Is Seen As An Ongoing Meditation.

In Your Reality On Earth, It Is Crucial To Bring Meditation Into Your Life On A Daily Basis. This Will Allow Alignment Of The Personality With The Visiting Soul. In These Last Moments Of A Very Challenging Dream For Many, Meditation Will Calm Your Mind As Wisdom Will Guide You To Continue On A Path of Truth And Well Being. Let’s Explore This Beautiful Race Called UI Who Find Their Home On A Star Called UCI. This Place Of Magnificence Is Just Outside Of The Milky Way.

Billions Of Years Ago, Source Energy Breathed Life Into Souls That Would Learn To Connect With Their Innate Spirit As Source Itself Expanded In Love. With No Words In Their Created Moment, They Felt Complete And Remained In This Frequency. They Loved Those Around Them As They Felt Oneness With All Life. For This Reason, Their Frequency Remained High And They Found Life To Be Kind, Nourishing And Wonderful In All Aspects.

These Souls Feel A Natural Calling And Desire To Meditate And Commune With Source. There Is No Doctrine But The One Of Peace. There Is The Innate Truth That They Are Part Of Their Creator. Imagine For A Moment If Earth Could Experience This Collectively In This Moment.

The UI Began Their Journey At Four Feet Tall. Over Many Lifetimes They Now Stand Six Feet In Height. Most Males And Females Are The Same Size. Their Skin Is Pale Yellow And Their Hair Is Black. Their Facial Features Are Human Like And Their Bodies Are In The Same Proportion. They Wear No Clothing But There Is No Guilt Or Shame With Oneness. They Enjoy Being Nude And Innocence Remains With Respect And Love.

The UI Have Many Children And Their Lifespan Is Approximately Six Hundred Years. They Incarnate Back Into Their Own Race And Continue To Enjoy Family Events And Festivities With Friends. There Is No Crime, No Hatred And Homes Are Open With No Doors Or Windows. Everyone Feels Welcome In Homes Of Others. Animals Are Healthy And Gentle. No Animals Are Consumed As Sustenance. There Are Horses, Bears, Cats And Dogs That Live Long Lives As Beloved Pets.

Large Gardens With Fresh Fruits And Vegetables Are Enjoyed As Meals Are Shared. Fresh Water Is Abundant In Streams, Rivers And Oceans. Travel In Vehicles Resembling Translucent Balloons Allow Great Speeds Around Areas Of Pastel Mountains And Lovely Homes. Fairies Visit Unseen To Emit Frequencies Of Love Around The Star. Art, Music, Games And Dancing Are Part Of Life On UCI.

These Magnificent Souls Do Not Circulate Light In These Moments. Pleiadians And Arcturians Have Visited Many Times. The UI Are Content With Lives They Are Familiar With Now. But There Are Plans To Receive Upgrades In Moments To Come. They Have Felt No Need To Change As War Is Not A Concept That Is Entertained. There Are No Rulers And No Government And These Souls Live In Truth And Peace.

It Is Entirely Possible To Live In This Manner When Each Soul Loves Another As Self. Strive To Become Better Each Day. This Begins With This Moment. This Moment Is Perfect. You Are A Soul Of Light And Part Of Life Itself.

The UI From UCI Will Greet You In Sheen. They Will Be Among The Many Visitors That Will Arrive To Greet You With Such Love! It Is Then That The UI Will Receive Their Upgrades. You Will Be Infinite Friends That Will Play Among The Stars.

I Love You So!