The Akashic Records are where all of your life experiences are recorded, from your Soul Origin to your many lifetimes on Earth and other planets. It’s not a physical place you could visit in 3D but it’s possible to visit in non-physical.


Akatu – The Culmination Of All You Have Lived Is Called Akashic Records By Some. In The Pleiades, We Call All Sacred Life, ‘LAMASOSE’.

Pleiadian Collective: Heal the Trauma recorded in your Akashic Record

The Heart And Brain Can Be Harmonized By Touching The Heart And Allowing Your Focus To Be Here NOW And Breathing Deeply And Slowly. This Changes The Chemistry Of The Body And Now Choose Thoughts That Are Uplifting And Will Bring Emotions Of Gratitude, Compassion And Joy!  This Will Move You From Polarity To Oneness. You Will FEEL Your True Self. Peace And Love Is Your True State Of Being!

The Heart Carries Your Life! The Heart Chakra Guides You And Enfolds All Information From Each Waking Dream To The Next. Known As The Akashic Records Of Divine Frequency, All Is Recorded For Your Own Growth And Soul Review.

If You Have Suffered Trauma That Is Unresolved In Any Dream, Including The Current One, You Have The Power With Intention To Heal All Residual Energy And Be Free. Be Grateful And Say ‘Thank You That I Am Healed.’  ‘Thank You!’  Meditate With This Until You Feel It. Be Aware Of The Consciousness Of Your Heart!

Judith’s Introduction to the Akashic

I was in a gigantic building with Kabamur. We were walking and observing and looking around. This represented the Akashic Records. There were doors all over the place. As we walked down this hallway, among many floors in this great space, we were pointing and discussing what was behind each door. These represented lives and stories we had lived.

Then I asked Kabamur about Neioh and suddenly he was there in a chair in the hall. He had a white shirt and pants that were some kind of shiny fabric. He greeted us and pointed at a door.

He told us this door contained secrets that we wanted in each life. Things held from us that we longed for but that we chose not to know or have so we could expand at a greater depth. He just kept smiling. He then opened a door by looking at it and we went in.

There was music and large canvasses. With our eyes and intent somehow the musical sounds and colors formed on the canvas. We both created a giant picture moving using our eyes only. It was a moving image but on canvas. Neioh said we do this all the time on Taygeta. We Create!

Judith Visits The Akashic Records

Last night the same Light Being approached me as before. I just watched. This time he helped the large book again. Standing at a distance where I could see, he held the book up. It was huge and the pages were turning on their own. All the thickness of phone books and about 3ft by 3ft.

The Being was about 10-12 ft tall. He walked closer and let the pages turn right in front of me. Neioh stood up. This never happens unless there is a reason. We never speak at night while I view.

Neioh told me the blue triangles that were shown to me are crystals. These are already in place in the earth in many places and also are in the base of many mountains and under the pyramids in all ancient relics. He said these are in place for the event and they are huge. I was seeing them on a small scale. He said many races are here and more coming. There are meetings going on nonstop with the Galactic Federation. He said all is on track and ready and to be aware of this.

The book was a symbolic of the AKASHIC of all.

Then Neioh smiled and sat down. The Being showed me a mountain and reached and picked up the mountain and showed me a giant crystal under it. Then he put the mountain back.

Next he reached into something. I could not tell what it was, but he pulled out a Craft and it flew across the sky. Then thousands came after that one and the viewing area was only sky and stars. I was very excited. I knew this is the Event.

These are not the only kinds of crystals that are here above ground and below ground. They are huge transmitters and for that reason they have always been used for communication. As part of bases to land on or in communication between different races.

Think of them like the internet. Other Galaxies can communicate through them from where they are. They anchor the energetic targets  where races will gather and also land if in crafts. These were shown to me as examples. There are many.

The Akashic Records are not in one certain place alone. They are very Sacred and our Source is the part of us where all of this is. So in saying we are One, this is why. In our creation we came from One.

Our own Akashic we carry in our Soul and in each life incarnation it is in our Heart Chakra. It is also part of the Collective. We are all Sacred.

There are Beings, like Ascended Masters, who have access to realms we do not remember at this time. There are Sacred Messengers like Archangels who also have access for the purpose of assisting all life.

So there is access to the Akashic and only Source-God can know who has that complete access and why.

Akashic Handheld Device

There is a gadget like a cell phone that will contain all of the Akashic Records. It is small and has personal updates. This will become available in Sheen.

Opening the Heart Chakra

I felt a rush of energy coming up through my Chakras. I actually felt my Heart Chakra open. This is where Neioh told me the Akashic Records can be accessed. In our Heart we completely access our Soul.

I felt a spinning sensation and a movement of energy opening up like a flower. The energy then moved all the way up to my crown Chakra. I felt a spinning and my head seemed to open at the top. I had spinning all around my head and the energy moved outward in a Violet Light.

I was soon bathed in the Violet Light. It covered me. Directly in front of me was a very beautiful Light Being. At least 8 feet tall. Made only of White Light. The Being spoke to me telepathically.

The Hall of Records

We were standing in front of a huge building of some type. It was made of Light and Gold. It was shimmering. There was a huge sign halfway up the building that said, YOUR AKASHIC.

We entered together. The Being told me that this was a rare Gift and I was being allowed to experience the Journey of My Own Soul. I felt Loved and Honored.

The First Door

The Being nodded and gestured for me to walk through the first door. We entered together a space that was so beautiful that I have no words for it. This was the place of my creation from God. The Source of all that was to come for me.

It was pure Light. It had every color of the rainbow in it as well. It had shimmering Light and I hear tones of the most beautiful music. I felt very alive and pure. I felt that I was pure Love. I felt Love emanating from Me. I was my Soul. My pure Soul. The Being told me I had choices to make now. I was given many choices as to where I wanted to live. The kind of Life I wanted to experience. What and Who I wished to be.

I seemed to know these places and types of Life. I was Living now as the God-Soul of me. At this Place, I chose. When I did, many others were instantly there with me. Others that had chosen the same were with me. It was a pure place of Love. We began to interact. We were Divine and Powerful. I felt that we could do anything. I knew we were Family. We remained there for a very long time. This is what others later called the 7th Dimension. We had no labels or names like this.

We created our world around us. We were given Power to create. We created the food we would eat and the animals we would have around us. We were taught from Light Beings that we were also Light. We had Power and choice. We created beautiful gardens and trees and grass. There were no structures needed. There were no clothes. We were pure Love.

Here is where I learned who God is. This Powerful Divine Creator of All. I was told there were many other places of creation. After a long period, my Family and I decided to venture out and see more of Creation. I knew this.

The Second Door

The Light Being led me to another door. My Family left and transported ourselves by intention to another place. This place would later be called the 7th Dimension. It would also be called Taygeta. It would be known as one of the oldest stars in the constellation of the Pleiades. For us, it was Home.

We took out skills and developed them further. We created. We learned that we could choose Life and not Death. We learned to make Love and reproduce. We shared. We provided for each other. We learned to preserve our bodies. We had choices and we made creative choices without fear. In doing this, we became immortal. We knew of no other way. We created and we were Magic. Our population grew. Some left for other stars surrounding us. They returned and gave us reports. Many remained with us on Taygeta. My name is Aya. My mate for all times is Ikai. We chose to have 4 Sons. Life was beautiful.

The Door of Lessons

The Light Being took me to another door. I was aware now of the levels of the building. I knew each was a huge change. I was open to learn. This one was full of many lessons. I learned to forgive, to feel more emotions. To be protective of my Sons as they ventured out. To accept their Friends and listen to their stories. I allowed then to incarnate on other planets knowing they would return Home. We preserved their bodies as they mixed with other types and allowed the Soul to enter elsewhere. I learned to miss them. I learned the emotion of grief when they did not return when I thought they would. I felt sad when I learned of the ways they had died. They always returned with many stories.

All of them were adventurous. I had not left our Home since arriving. It would be many of their lifetimes and stories before I decided to try this. Ikai ventured out as well. I felt I should remain at Home for our Sons to return. I learned the meaning of Family. I learned deep Compassion. I learned that Life was a gift and that we were very Gentle Souls in our Home. I learned that other in creation were not always loving to us or each other.

The Door of Darkness

I was led by the Light Being to another door. We entered.
What was this place? It was strange and new. I could not remember my Home. I didn’t understand these Beings. I didn’t feel Loved. I found it hard to Love. I learned fear. I learned not to trust. I learned what it felt like to be abandoned and to abandon another. I learned what a broken Heart is. I saw others killing or hurting. I learned that there was disease and consequences. I didn’t like this place. I wanted to go Home. I could not remember where that was. I learned to cry. I felt lost. I attached myself to some that I found to be Loving. I saw that we were aging. We were getting sick. I saw that many believed in other places they would go when they died. I didn’t want to die. I felt more fear as I got sick. My body died.


I was surrounded by Light Beings. I recognized them. They explained that they had remained with me and waited for me to leave the body. They would be taking me back Home. They explained that all I had learned would stay with me in my Heart and I would grow and learn more. They told me I would remain as Aya each time I returned Home. I was so glad to be Home.

Ikai ventured out many times but not like our Boys. They seemed to Love the Travel and adventure. My Sons would use many names in other lifetimes. I learned that we all did this. I learned that 3 of my Sons were more of warriors than Akatu. He was my youngest and preferred Home.

Two of my Sons remained so close that they died together over and over. One was forever Kabamur and his best friend was his Brother, Neioh. Both spent much time in Lemuria and helped so many to be saved. Lyra became like a Daughter to me. We are all Family now.

Laka was always very protective of all of his Brothers. He takes more of a quiet and Powerful role. I didn’t know about hurt or so much hate from others until I heard all of the stories from my Boys. I Loved all of them so much.

Neioh wanted me to evolve and find my strength to a greater degree. At his insistence, I agreed to spend many Lifetimes with him in many places.

The Door of Choices

The Light Being took me to another door. We entered.
This was a place of choice. It was earth. It seemed to be so impoverished. There was much disease. I could not remember Home. I found my Son again as we had planned. He played the role of my best Friend and Brother. In this lifetime his name was Benjamin. We lived and Loved and suffered great losses together. We had fights and left one another at times. We both knew how to forgive but we learned this to a greater depth. I faced so much loss. My name was Elizabeth. I was killed by a vicious beating. My Son had to watch. It broke my Heart. It broke his Heart. We returned Home in Timelessness and Love. We were Guided by Kabamur and Laka. They were very sad.

Realization of Power

I had a few more adventures and learned to take down any adversaries. My Boys stayed close by. I learned of our many Powers. I realized how advanced our people were. We created by thought. We did not abuse our Power. I learned that because of this, we had even more Power. We remained Loving.

A Door of Love

We entered another door. I knew many of these people. It was a mix of many I loved as well as some I didn’t remember. I fell in Love! This man was so kind and so beautiful inside and out. He had jet black hair and kind blue eyes. He Loved me very much. There came a time in this life that he died and I later left. I didn’t want to leave this place where I found so much Love. I longed for him as I died. I then remembered who I was. I returned Home happily with my Family.

A Door of Loss

I entered another door with the Light Being. The man was there again. He looked much the same. My Soul remembered him but I did not.I had chosen this. Later we fell in Love again. This time he left me. I felt broken hearted. I had chosen to learn deeper forgiveness after a loss and to be able to find ways to Love again. I was not doing well. I was on a bed. I was giving up. I felt such grief. Then the Love that I had known returned as I felt this man lie down with me and place his arm around me. I never looked back at him. I felt the Love. I knew it was him. I chose to leave at this point. I went Home.

I learned that you are Whole unto Yourself and You do not need another to complete You. I knew I was Aya. I was Strong and Powerful.


We learned to Celebrate Life. I learned to be Grateful. I had to learn loss to know Gratitude. I Loved even more.
The Light Being gave me a choice to see some of the Lifetimes I had learned , Loved and lost. I chose to see a few. I knew then who I was.

Akashic Now

I was taken through many other doors by the Light Being. Each had it’s own challenges and lessons. Nothing was wasted. I was told by the Being that all I had lived was forever recorded and I had access to each lesson. He explained that the way to these lessons was through the Heart Chakra. That I would always have this Gift but would not remember all in each lifetime until I chose to remember. The Being explained that all are on their own Journey and the details of each was recorded. No matter how small or how large the event or situation, it was recorded in our Honor of growth and expansion.

I told the Being I understood. I thanked this beautiful Being for allowing me to see so much of my Journey. I was told there was so much more and that there would be a time when all would know every moment they has existed.
The Light Being led me back out of the Building. I turned and I was alone. I looked back at the beautiful Building of Shimmering Light.

The words that hung on the Building said, AKASHIC NOW.
I opened my eyes. I still felt it all. It has remained with me.
I Am Aya! Pleiadian Mother and Mate! Friend and Family to my Home! I Am Powerful! I Am Love! I Remember Who I Am!