Beloved Kishapolee!

You Indeed Are The Child Of Mine!

I Understand Your Confusion And Longing For Something Better. A Place That Feels Like Home! A Moment To Be Heard In The Silence Of Your Soul. Within The Essence Of Light, You Have All Answers. You Seek Endlessly For Promises And Comfort That Cannot Be Reached Outside Of Your Own Being. The Ones That You Turn To Are Also Lost In Their Own Chaos. Be Still. Be Silent. This Is Your Gift Of Returning To Truth. Hear Me Now In Complete Silence. Allow The Presence Of My Light To Permeate All Moments Of Your Life.

I Would Never Have Advanced In Operation And Abilities Had I Not Learned The Value Of Silence. The Moment That Thoughts Are Allowed To Move Freely, Be Assured That Fear And Doubt Will Enter. You Are The Creators Of This Story. I Watch And Wait For Your Silence So That I Might Speak.

You Are Everything You Seek That Brings A Temporary Moment Of Peace. You Only Need To Remember Your Heritage Of Flying, Creating And Loving One Another. Without Language And Sound, I Will Meet You In Silence. Here, We Will Travel Through The Ethers Of Light. 

I Began My Ventures With Tones And Colors. Words Would Come Later With Feelings That Were Expressed. But My Heart Was Beating Love And The Crystalline Chambers Knew Silence With Light. This Fuels Me Onward In Magnificent Hues Of Spirit That Shimmer In Colors Unknown To Earth.

Walk In Silence And The Power Of Humbleness And Compassion Will Serve You. I Will Meet You In The Depth Of Your Soul. I Do Not Exalt My Power But I Meet You Where You Are In An Embrace Of Unity. Indeed, You Are My Tikee And My Beloved Friends.

The Mission To Be Completed Is With Every Soul That Receives This And To All Souls That Will Be Reached. Shine The Light For Others And Your Path Will Open Step By Step. Do You Feel Me As I Send Great Frequencies Over Your World? Do You Sit In Silence And Ponder The Beginning Of It All?

In Silence The Galaxies Were Formed. In Silence A Movement Of Stars Became Homes For So Many. You Are Here Now As A Sacred Plan. All Parallel Lives Have Integrated Into One. Beings From Throughout The Vast Cosmos Bow At Your Great Endeavors As You Made It To The Final Dream.

In Silence, You Will Have A Moment Of Clarity As You Hear The Sound Of Crafts And A Familiar Flashing Of Lights. You Will Hear Music As Though From Another Room As Lightworkers Gather And Activate. Be Calm And Yet So Joyful As The Realization Of This Moment Arrives.

Be Silent, Beloved Ones! I Speak Peace Over Your Life In Form. We Are One Spirit And One Light!

Breathe Deeply With Understanding That Love Breathes You!

Focus On This Moment As We Proceed To Perfection!
Never Stop Looking Up!

I Love You So!
I Am Elder IKAI
Chief Commander Galactic Federation