Beloved Friends Of All Possibilities.

This Is Your Moment To Shine In Light! Regardless Of The Darkness That Seems To Threaten Your Well Being. You Have Done This Many Times Throughout The Ages Of Waking Dreams. You Are Sacred Love Within And It Is Possible To Discover This Power. Something So Gentle And Yet It Moves Through The Ethers To Create Galaxies And Stars. The Power Of Light Speaks To The Galactic Federation To Upgrade Bodies And Serve All Life In Every Density Known And Unknown In Your Current Awareness.

It’s Your Turn To Carry The Light That Will Amplify And Heal Others With High Frequencies And Intention. You Are More Powerful Than You Understand. This Will Become Apparent As You Witness Changes Throughout Your Life. Taking A Chance To Serve Others Will Allow Healing For Self And Those In Need.

It Is Your Moment To Encourage Another  In The Same Manner Someone Encouraged You. There Is No End To The Action Of Compassion And Everyone Has Opportunities To Receive And To Give.

It Is The Moment To Become The Best Version Of Yourself In This Waking Dream. There Has Never Been A Time Such As This One Where You Are Needed To Lift Others And Move Forward With A Smile.

It’s Your Turn To Become A Great Teacher As Many Sleep On In The Midst Of The Changes On Earth. Tell Others Of The Light That Will Cover The Planet In A Frequency Of Power. Allow Another The Chance To Understand As You Now Know Truth. Remember When All Information Of The Grand Shift Was A Foreign Subject To You. Gift Another With Your Presence And Wisdom As They Too Will Thrive With This Information.

It Is Your Turn To Rescue Animals And Protect The Innocent. Allow The Face Of Your Own Beloved Pet To Show You The Inner Soul Through Their Loving Eyes. All Animals Are Souls In Temporary Bodies That Serve You With Unconditional Love. Those That Remain At The Shift Will Never Die.

This Is Your Moment To Meditate With Gratitude For The Gifts Of The Great Planet Earth. Provisions Of Food And Water Have Been Constant Since You Took Your First Breath In Body Form. How Loving And Powerful For The Spirit Of Earth To Serve All Life Without Judgement Or Taking Sides. What Lessons Are Possible From The Nature Surrounding You As Trees, Mountains And Oceans Hold So Much Life With Magnificent Colors And Beauty.

It Is Your Turn To Learn Compassion As You Become A Walking And Breathing Gift To Others. You Are One Spirit That Is Perceiving Individual Personalities. You Are Souls In Form That Understand Oneness. This Is The Moment To Be Still And Remember The Sacred Power Of Your Presence On Earth.

This Is The Moment To Remember You Are Life Itself Expressing In Manners Of Cycles, Waking Dreams And Infinite Lives On Stars Unremembered.

I Am With You Now. I Remember You As Friends. It’s Your Turn To Remember.

I Wait For You In Light And Joy!

I Love You So!