Beloved Friends Of Light!

You Have Completed Great Numbers Of Waking Dreams. All Of Them Have Purpose As You Grow And Expand In Consciousness. The Wisdom Of The Soul Of Light Is Profound. In The Higher Realms, Duality Is Understood But Not Experienced In High Vibrational Races. It Is With The Service Of Waking Dreams That A Depth Of Understanding Is Reached. The Soul Returns To Origin Knowing It Was All Worth The Journey Through Obstacles In Order To Grasp The Power Of Light In A Much Greater State Of Being.

In This Communication We Will Discuss An Area That Is Tremendous And Yet Unknown To You In This Final Dream. At The End Of A Lifetime, There Are Instances Where Souls Need Assistance. They Might Simply Need A Touch Of Frequencies To Adjust To A Particular Trauma Or Sudden Death. All Souls Agree To Leave When They Do, But It Could Be A Variable Which Has Allowed The Soul Exit Quickly. It Is These Instances That A Soul Will Find Great Comfort As They Are Met With Love In A Soul Review.

There Are Many That Serve Others Following Waking Dreams. For Teaching Purposes We Will Address The Details Of Pleiadians That Serve In This Manner. All Elohim Races Have Assistance Through Waking Dreams And In The Return Movement. All Life Is Sacred And Incarnated Souls Are Not Forgotten.

Following Human Death And Soul Exit, There Are Frequencies Where Light, Sound And Any Outside Interference Is Halted. These Are Somewhat Like Havens Of Light We Have Revealed. In This Instance, The Locations Change And Accommodate The Soul Or Souls Leaving The Body Form On Earth. Just As Light Chambers Are Sacred Places Where Pleiadians Leave Their Perfect Bodies In Stasis, These Frequencies Adapt To Create Magnificent Meeting Places Of Great Beauty. The Desired Colors And Preferences Of The Soul Leaving Earth Is Understood By Those That Will Greet Them. Crystals, Tables And Large Soft Chairs Are Displayed As Hugs And Words Of Comfort Are Offered.

Everyone Present Is Seated As The Ambiance Is Calm And Inviting. A Guide, Friend Or Family Member Is Present And Words Of High Vibrations Are Spoken. There Is Light Touching With Hands As Frequencies Are Emitted To Further Strengthen The Soul. All Of This Happens In Moments As It Does Not Take Long At All. The Soul Has Not Completed The Journey Until They Enter The Light Chambers On Their Star Of Home. 

The Look Of The Soul At This Point Is A Projection Of Form From Consciousness. This Would Be Comparable To Bilocal Operations Where A Body Is Projected. In These Moments, There Is A Discussion Regarding The Incident That Ended The Waking Dream. The Soul Understands And Finds Solace. Many Times They Desire To Remain Close To Their Families On Earth. This Is Completely Acceptable And Free Will Allows The Soul To Remain For A Time Of Comfort. Many Family Members Attest To Knowing The Presence Of Their Loved One Is Near. Little Do They Know That They Are More Present Than Ever. Telepathy Is Possible And Visuals Of The Loved One Is A Common Occurrence.

From This Moment Of Understanding And Feeling Whole Again, A Soul Will Instantly Project To Their Light Chambers. Family And Friends Are Present And Their Beautiful Loved One Opens Their Eyes. With Smiles And Warmth, The Stories Begin. Each Soul Is Excited At The Lessons Learned And Wisdom Gleaned.

Elaborate Meals Are Prepared And There Are Large Celebrations. Pleiadians Enjoy Life In All Moments And Dancing And Singing Are Daily Events. Animals Gather And Fairies Are Everywhere. Many Crafts Arrive From Other Stars To Join The Uniting Of So Many That Love One Another.

This Is The Final Waking Dream. You Have Come So Far And Overcome So Much! We Are Excited To Be With You As Your Journey Of Light Has Just Begun. Remember The Light Within And Know That You Can Make It Through To Sheen With Great Joy! You Will Understand The Beauty Of All Waking Dreams!

I Will See You There!

I Love You So!