Kabamur is a Pleiadian from Taygeta currently incarnated on Earth as a human named Michael. Michael will serve as an ambassador between humans and Pleiadians for Open Contact following the Shift.
The Soul of Kabamur is incarnated as two individuals, or twin souls, Michael and Raphael. Upon leaving human form years after the Shift happens, Michael and Raphael will unite as 7D Kabamur.
Kabamur is the third son of Elder Ikai and Goddess Aya of Taygeta. He is an artist and explorer like his brothers.
Kabamur’s mate is Lyra and they have a son named Ra. Rakalemi Ankeeba was given the name “Ka-ba-mur” to honor the rescue of Lyra’s people during the destruction of Lemuria.
Kabamur has lived human 78 lifetimes, and in his last, he has incarnated with Aya to teach people about Pleiadians and The Shift to Sheen.
Kabamur’s favorite crystals are Lapis Lazuli, Quartz, Tourmaline, Hematite