WE wish to teach You more about reincarnation and the Soul’s choice. Before each Incarnation, there is a Meeting of Souls. In this Sacred Meeting, there are many Decisions made.

It seems that there is much confusion about life choices. However, it is very important to understand that once You enter this time-space Reality, You would not choose to have disability, pain, trauma or any type of suffering.

Why is the True for all? Because once You enter the Story of “You”, the Ego takes over. This is not the Soul. You forget Your Plan. You “think” You are this person with a name given to You.

You struggle to understand all of the many trials You face. You witness so many going to the dark side. Others hold on to religion as a way of false safety. In Truth, You are always safe!

Awakening is realizing that You are living a brief story. You are a Powerful and Sacred Soul that is having a brief Human experience. This is one of unknown numbers You live in form. You will remember Who You Are when You leave the body. Awakening is knowing this before the body dies.

WE also want to remind You that You are sharing this time-space with others in the chosen dream. All have Free Will that is Gifted from our One Source Creator. So there is much suffering and Heartache as the witness to what You want to stop or prevent. But You are not able to change the Story for others or for Yourself except in the moment.

The many things that occur in your Life here were not planned by You. Many of them were. Nothing is wasted. Even the worst pain can be a catalyst to change for the better.

WE invite You to a Higher View of Humanity. To know that it is possible to find Peace Within in a perceived planet of pain. To Choose Love over Fear. To learn True Forgiveness. Realize the impermanence of the Story of “You”.

Remember Who You Are!