
All Elders of Galactic Federation, and many Archangels, wear medallions or other forms of jewelry, depicting symbols or words which can be translated from light language. About Pleiadian Elders

Light Language

The Elohim star races are able to communicate through telepathy, and they are able to speak any native language of any place they travel to. There is also a shared language referred to as Light Language. About Light Language

Galactic Federation Elder Medallions

IKAI, Elder of Taygeta

Ikai wears a symbol meaning EEKE, the light language word for LOVE.

WANOVAR, Elder of Arcturus

Wanovar wears a triangle-shaped medallion, symbolic of the very first Arcturian craft.

ASHTAR, Elder of Sirius

Ashtar wears a symbol of a cat, representing the idea of stealth.

LEEMIA, Elder of Electra

Leemia wears a medallion depicting the star of ELECTRA.

MANAKAK, Elder of Alcyone

Manakak wears a symbol meaning EAKESAM, the light language word for ELOHIM.

ASOPELAH, Elder of Maia

Asopelah wears a symbol meaning ANOKAYI, the light language word for INFINITY.

BASHEDAH, Elder of Celaeno

Bashedah wears the image of a lion, symbolizing his POWER (CHENAK, in light language).

MINOEE, Elder of Atlas

Minoee wears a medallion depicting a single beam of light, representing the light of ELAKO, or God-Source.

YAWELAH, Elder of Sterope

Yawelah wears a medallion depicting the light language word for ELAKO, or GOD.

KABAMUR, Future Elder of Taygeta

Kabamur (future Elder of Taygeta) will wear the symbol meaning POKAS, the light language word for TRUTH.

Medallions Worn By Archangels

METATRON, Archangel

Metatron wears an arm band with the symbol for POWER, called CHENAK in light language.